Write Me!

Elder Seth Haynes
Kenya Nairobi Mission
Upper Hill Road
Next To Citigroup
PO Box 46162-00100
Nairobi, Kenya

Saturday, November 12, 2011

It's Not A Dress!

Well hello st. geezy Ut.
How i everything? Halloween sounded fun. We got ice cream so that was cool. haha but yeah zone conference was awesome. President B and I are so tight. Seriously i dont think i have ever loved and looked up to a leader before as much as this man. And Mama B is so awesome to. They are always so caring and concerned. They are building zion here in Kenya. The dress you saw in those pictures is actually very manly here and its not a dress its a Kanga. They are very comfortable and fashionable, so why dont you try opening up that mind of yours. haha But yeah it was a blast. The trainings were so good and i felt the spirit so strong. Disobedience is really big in the mission right now cause there are so many old missionaries that are just dead, including my companion. You would think that guys could go two years without facebook but its the biggest problem on the mission. You know its bad when the district leader and zone leader are on exchanges and watch the movie shooter on their dvd player that is supposed to be for training purposes. It really makes me mad. But luckily so many missionaries are going home soon including my comp. Wahooo!!!! Two weeks. Man im excited. I have never met someone who is more bugged by me than a dying missionary. 
      The work is moving. I was really getting down on myself earlier in the week. Its hard to see when you are being as obedient as you can and you arent seeing the fruits of your labors and a bogus companionship is getting referals and baptisms right and left. I know your not supposed to compare but its really hard. I just remember Utchdorfs talk about those guys in the airforce running faster than him and he didnt smoke or drink a day in his life and they did all the time. I just need to be humble and rely on the lord. I am learning early on in mission. I remember Holland saying that every elder is called on a mission for a different reason. Some are baptizing missionaries, some are there to help their comps, some are there to just love the people and strengthen the ward. I have read my patriarchal blessing like 5 times this week and looking for my true spot to shine. I think that this next transfer will be so different and the Lord will really open my eyes.
     So yeah i got to see a few guys from my group. Elder Pocock who is seriously now like my closest friend is serving in kilili. No power, no water, and no beds. They are as bush as bush can get. He loves it and the stories he told me were so flipping awesome. He is so positive about everything and is a great example to a lot of missionaries. I want so bad for that to be my next area. I want to serve in the bush. He sees animals right and left. I just am really excited to serve around someone who shares my same interests and likes to laugh and joke and even talk to me for that matter. You know your comp is bad when he is treating investigators like they are idiots.
     But yeah i have really lost my appetite and its showing. I am down 15lbs now. It is getting so much hotter everyday and the summer hasn't even hit yet. You wake up to a sweaty pillow and sweat all day. I dont want you to worry about me going to the doctor just know i am good now and it has nothing to do with my feet. So there is more and more fruit on the street. Oh thats one thing i havent told you yet. It is like a constant flea market wherever you go. Its kinda awesome. Orange country flea market is lousy compared to what you can find  on the street here. I am actually looking at buying a cheap blender so i can make some fruit smoothies in the morning but we will see. 
     Our investigators are doing well. All except bro Samwell. Last week he lost his job and someone broke into his house and stole everything he owns. Satan knows how powerful this guy  will be if he gets baptized so he is really working hard on him. He was at church the other day and asked me for a blessing. I was really humbled by this and panicked and just butchered the blessing. I hope the lord still accepts it cause this guy really needs help. Other than that people are doing good. Over 50% are muslim so its hard finding new people to teach. The ones we do contact are bible savy and wont listen. It was nice to fast yesterday and i hope the lord will grant us success. Pray for me please. I love you guys so much and see the result of a loving family in my life daily. 
-Love Elder Haynes 

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