Hey guys!
Thanks for writing! Its good to hear you are seeing more of our family these days. I did know about the temple patron fund. It blesses many lives here in kenya. Most couldnt go if it wasnt for it. So about my area i think you are a little confused. I have been here over six months and wont leave till december making it 7 1/2 months in one area. Thats a long time! So as far as your christmas idea goes. It is a good idea, the problem is customs. If sent here someone has to pay to accept them like i do with packages. It would help a ton but i dont know the full procedures. You would have to email or call sister broadbent.sbroad007@msn.com. That is pretty awesome that the family is willing to go with less gifts to help others.
Tell Bronzen he is a lazy bugger for not writing. It is good he is eating allot of protein. Just make sure he uses it! This week has been pretty eventful. We sent Elder Mbazima home this week. It was really sad but it needed to happen. He was my former companion and my hardest so far and he was cause major issues. Things are good now though. We are getting a branch missionary from Kisumu to replace him.
The work is going really well actually! We have found some new people and are just working on getting all our investigators who should already be baptized problems solved. This part of the country has some hard traditions that are not lining up with gospel standards. We have a guy named Shaban who is golden. He loves the church and is addicted to the book of mormon! He has been called a devil worshiper and sticks up for the church. Its pretty awesome. His family doesnt speak english but they will get the gospel later i guess. So we are excited to devote all time an attention to the Lord now that we have resolve all the issues in our zone.
We had a fun experience this last week. We were doing some street contacting and no one would talk to us. It was like everyone had a stick up their butts that day. So we start getting frustrated and realized that we were "working a corner." That brought some laughs then we realized what might have been the real problem. We looked and what we didnt know is a big poster that hung on the pole behind us. It read "Beware of STD's." Man that was a funny thing to see. Haha beware of us. I would stay away to! haha
Other than that not much else to report. I am doing well and feeling good now. Its amazing what you can take when the Lord is on your side! We are doing good. I love you all and hope you have a great week. I promise to be more informative next week.
Elder Haynes
Write Me!
Elder Seth Haynes
Kenya Nairobi Mission
Upper Hill Road
Next To Citigroup
PO Box 46162-00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Dear Family,
Thanks for writing. It is so good to see an email each week. It is much needed support and i am so grateful for it. I am sorry to hear about porter! Uh i am so mad! I want to know what kinda parents teach a 5 year old to bully. Obviously they dont just pick that stuff up anywhere. Lets sick hobbs on him or something! Man get porter in Karate or something. I want him to kick that boys trash. Then pick him up and say "I love ya, but dont treat my like that again!" Oh could you imagine. It would sweep... nay it would swiffer the nation on you tube. If a video of the show down can be acquired i would humbly request for my viewing pleasure. Hes a tough lad though he can hold his own. He is just to nice!
Sooo... I am doing okay! It has been probably my craziest week on mission but i am handling all in stride. It hasnt been much for the missionary work end of things. It is rather exhausting though. I have been on the phone with the APs and President all week. I went on exchanges with my former companion who is unwilling to change. He is reading false doctrine material and destroying his testimony. Man it is hard to see. He hasnt changed and the same problems have been there since mombasa. So after hours of counsel with the DL and his companion(Mbazima) we came to the conclusion that he is unwilling to change. People think the mission pres is a racist but the Africans are the only ones who are causing these issues. There are just a few in the mission who are kicking against the pricks but are trying to campaign to make all men miserable like unto themselves. So the sister(major issue) that was out of control in our zone was sent on a emergency transfer due to behavior. So after this awful week it was smoothed over by saturday. We got to watch the saturday morning and afternoon sesh of conference. This really lifted my spirits. Elder Utchdorfs talk specifically, "We are so worried about the finish we forget to find joy in the journey!" This really helped me. So we gathered saturday night as a zone to receive the transfer news from the APs. What news came wasnt exactly what i wanted to hear. Because of current issues the whole mission is standing still. This made my heart sink at first. This has never happened. But it is clear that some missionaries have a decisions to make. President is demanding exact obedience. Either shape up and repent or ship out. It is good to see because President is so kind and loving and now he is cracking down!
As i sat in awe at the news I felt the spirit come over me so strong and heard a voice that said "You are still needed here." The missionaries in the zone said if you would have gone our zone would have crumbled. I dont say this to toot my horn but it is amazing how the Lord doesnt call the qualified but qualifies the called. This humbled me greatly. This is a test right now. The lord is sifting the wheat from the chaff and I can continue to rise and improve or be idle and i cannot allow such a awful thing to happen. We are going to be more obedient than exact obedience. I had to repent in my sadness at first hearing the news. I know the Lord needs me here. Seven and a half months is but a small moment. I love my savior so much and his trust in me. I cannot tell you how much i have learned and what the lord is shaping me to be. I am in love with the lord! We are going pretty steady i aint gonna lie! A courtship if you will. Conference helped so much and he will never forsake us in our time of need.
So on a different note. Miriam was not baptized. I think the Lord might also be keeping me around to finally see her make that specially covenant. She didnt tell us before but her parents are practicing Pligs and she need to go through some more procedures to make sure she is totally ready. Man she is gonna be so converted. I was really touched by bednars talk about the testimony and conversion. His analogy of the 10 then virgins was sheer genius. The oil of conversion and the Lamps of testimony. With our the oil the lamp is not enough. I think this is what the Lord is trying to teach Miriam and test her on. Hopefully this transfer the heavens will rejoice when she has done her part to partake of his salvation.
On another note, We had a very eventful sunday morning. So i have discovered i am a very light sleeper. I have struggled since i have been in this area to get a good nights rest. From the chickens with no biological clock(Kramer is still better than the African cock despite his blunders) and the dogs that provide no security but unnecessary noise. You know how bad i hate loud noises. I will use mixture of my and my companions journal entry in hopes to paint the full picture in your mind! and i quote,
"Funny thing about this morning, Haynes and I woke up before 6:30 a.m. because of the rooster in the compound crowing," as usual."Haynes was up before me. I said my personal morning prayers and as I opened my eyes and stood up Haynes said, "It's time. I need your help." He had a crazed look in his eyes and had the stance of being prepared for battle. I cautiously asked, "What for?" He answered, "The cock. We need to catch it. I know it's the Sabbath, but I can't take it anymore." I agreed to assist, seeing the distress it was causing my companion.
Elder Haynes then elaborated a cunning scheme whereby we could trap and package the mentioned cock. Each of us would have a wash basin to catch the rooster with. Haynes would drive him from the front of the building to the side towards the back. It was a narrow passage not more than 4ft. wide. While he did that, I was to wait it's coming to block his retreat. It couldn't have gone better.
It was 6:30 in the morning still so we had to be quiet in our capture. Moments after we each took our positions, the cock came fleeing down the predestined escape route. I blocked his way. As Haynes appeared at the other possible exit, the cock realized there was nowhere left to run and I imagine he thought something along the lines of, "oh poop."
Rather than charge either of us, he made one last attempt as we closed in on him. "I can fly, " he thought as he vaulted upward trying to rise above the 10ft. wall. But as we all know, chickens are the wannabe's of flying birds. He failed to achieve his goal and what followed can only be described as epic.
With the cock in mid-air, Haynes wielded his wash basin with precision and swiftness. He covered it over the chicken and, with haste, trapped him to the earth. The expression on Elder Haynes' face as he looked up, then down, then up from the basin was one of surprise, satisfaction and complete joy. He silently rejoiced smacking the basin in taunting the rooster. He then put one foot on top of it, raised both arms high and, without noise, acted as if he were echoing a victory yell to the heavens.
From there we manhandled the feathery foe into a box previously containing Restoration pamphlets and rejoiced. Haynes then wanted to write a message on it in Swahili and leave it on the owner's doorstep. Translated, he wrote, "Mama, you need to know that I will eat."
We then stealthily watched out our window for the time when they would find it. As we sat the melodious sounding comment danced acrossed Elder Haynes cerebellum. I Elder Woolard said, "Elder you were like Jason borne back there." In time, someone came out, but it wasn't the usual mama. It was her elephant of a husband! Who almost had a satanic "son of the morning" look in his eye. We both peed ourselves a little and hid when we thought he was approaching our flat. Elder Haynes looked at me in his sad state and said, " oh man dats a big nigga." Her husband is in the Kenya military mind you. But much to our relief, he didn't come. Rather, the mama released the chicken and immediately the cock began his hellacious song of agony. The mama wrote a reply on our box and her spawn of satan child left it at our door. The message we found out was a bad juju curse medicine woman witch doctor type deal. Translated it meant "you will regret eating because the cock will crow from your belly and haunt you!" Pretty crazy right!
But last night Elder Haynes slept the best he has in months.
So that was our eventful week. The church is still true and know i love you all. Thanks for all the love and support.
-Elder Haynes
Thanks for writing. It is so good to see an email each week. It is much needed support and i am so grateful for it. I am sorry to hear about porter! Uh i am so mad! I want to know what kinda parents teach a 5 year old to bully. Obviously they dont just pick that stuff up anywhere. Lets sick hobbs on him or something! Man get porter in Karate or something. I want him to kick that boys trash. Then pick him up and say "I love ya, but dont treat my like that again!" Oh could you imagine. It would sweep... nay it would swiffer the nation on you tube. If a video of the show down can be acquired i would humbly request for my viewing pleasure. Hes a tough lad though he can hold his own. He is just to nice!
Sooo... I am doing okay! It has been probably my craziest week on mission but i am handling all in stride. It hasnt been much for the missionary work end of things. It is rather exhausting though. I have been on the phone with the APs and President all week. I went on exchanges with my former companion who is unwilling to change. He is reading false doctrine material and destroying his testimony. Man it is hard to see. He hasnt changed and the same problems have been there since mombasa. So after hours of counsel with the DL and his companion(Mbazima) we came to the conclusion that he is unwilling to change. People think the mission pres is a racist but the Africans are the only ones who are causing these issues. There are just a few in the mission who are kicking against the pricks but are trying to campaign to make all men miserable like unto themselves. So the sister(major issue) that was out of control in our zone was sent on a emergency transfer due to behavior. So after this awful week it was smoothed over by saturday. We got to watch the saturday morning and afternoon sesh of conference. This really lifted my spirits. Elder Utchdorfs talk specifically, "We are so worried about the finish we forget to find joy in the journey!" This really helped me. So we gathered saturday night as a zone to receive the transfer news from the APs. What news came wasnt exactly what i wanted to hear. Because of current issues the whole mission is standing still. This made my heart sink at first. This has never happened. But it is clear that some missionaries have a decisions to make. President is demanding exact obedience. Either shape up and repent or ship out. It is good to see because President is so kind and loving and now he is cracking down!
As i sat in awe at the news I felt the spirit come over me so strong and heard a voice that said "You are still needed here." The missionaries in the zone said if you would have gone our zone would have crumbled. I dont say this to toot my horn but it is amazing how the Lord doesnt call the qualified but qualifies the called. This humbled me greatly. This is a test right now. The lord is sifting the wheat from the chaff and I can continue to rise and improve or be idle and i cannot allow such a awful thing to happen. We are going to be more obedient than exact obedience. I had to repent in my sadness at first hearing the news. I know the Lord needs me here. Seven and a half months is but a small moment. I love my savior so much and his trust in me. I cannot tell you how much i have learned and what the lord is shaping me to be. I am in love with the lord! We are going pretty steady i aint gonna lie! A courtship if you will. Conference helped so much and he will never forsake us in our time of need.
So on a different note. Miriam was not baptized. I think the Lord might also be keeping me around to finally see her make that specially covenant. She didnt tell us before but her parents are practicing Pligs and she need to go through some more procedures to make sure she is totally ready. Man she is gonna be so converted. I was really touched by bednars talk about the testimony and conversion. His analogy of the 10 then virgins was sheer genius. The oil of conversion and the Lamps of testimony. With our the oil the lamp is not enough. I think this is what the Lord is trying to teach Miriam and test her on. Hopefully this transfer the heavens will rejoice when she has done her part to partake of his salvation.
On another note, We had a very eventful sunday morning. So i have discovered i am a very light sleeper. I have struggled since i have been in this area to get a good nights rest. From the chickens with no biological clock(Kramer is still better than the African cock despite his blunders) and the dogs that provide no security but unnecessary noise. You know how bad i hate loud noises. I will use mixture of my and my companions journal entry in hopes to paint the full picture in your mind! and i quote,
"Funny thing about this morning, Haynes and I woke up before 6:30 a.m. because of the rooster in the compound crowing," as usual."Haynes was up before me. I said my personal morning prayers and as I opened my eyes and stood up Haynes said, "It's time. I need your help." He had a crazed look in his eyes and had the stance of being prepared for battle. I cautiously asked, "What for?" He answered, "The cock. We need to catch it. I know it's the Sabbath, but I can't take it anymore." I agreed to assist, seeing the distress it was causing my companion.
Elder Haynes then elaborated a cunning scheme whereby we could trap and package the mentioned cock. Each of us would have a wash basin to catch the rooster with. Haynes would drive him from the front of the building to the side towards the back. It was a narrow passage not more than 4ft. wide. While he did that, I was to wait it's coming to block his retreat. It couldn't have gone better.
It was 6:30 in the morning still so we had to be quiet in our capture. Moments after we each took our positions, the cock came fleeing down the predestined escape route. I blocked his way. As Haynes appeared at the other possible exit, the cock realized there was nowhere left to run and I imagine he thought something along the lines of, "oh poop."
Rather than charge either of us, he made one last attempt as we closed in on him. "I can fly, " he thought as he vaulted upward trying to rise above the 10ft. wall. But as we all know, chickens are the wannabe's of flying birds. He failed to achieve his goal and what followed can only be described as epic.
With the cock in mid-air, Haynes wielded his wash basin with precision and swiftness. He covered it over the chicken and, with haste, trapped him to the earth. The expression on Elder Haynes' face as he looked up, then down, then up from the basin was one of surprise, satisfaction and complete joy. He silently rejoiced smacking the basin in taunting the rooster. He then put one foot on top of it, raised both arms high and, without noise, acted as if he were echoing a victory yell to the heavens.
From there we manhandled the feathery foe into a box previously containing Restoration pamphlets and rejoiced. Haynes then wanted to write a message on it in Swahili and leave it on the owner's doorstep. Translated, he wrote, "Mama, you need to know that I will eat."
We then stealthily watched out our window for the time when they would find it. As we sat the melodious sounding comment danced acrossed Elder Haynes cerebellum. I Elder Woolard said, "Elder you were like Jason borne back there." In time, someone came out, but it wasn't the usual mama. It was her elephant of a husband! Who almost had a satanic "son of the morning" look in his eye. We both peed ourselves a little and hid when we thought he was approaching our flat. Elder Haynes looked at me in his sad state and said, " oh man dats a big nigga." Her husband is in the Kenya military mind you. But much to our relief, he didn't come. Rather, the mama released the chicken and immediately the cock began his hellacious song of agony. The mama wrote a reply on our box and her spawn of satan child left it at our door. The message we found out was a bad juju curse medicine woman witch doctor type deal. Translated it meant "you will regret eating because the cock will crow from your belly and haunt you!" Pretty crazy right!
But last night Elder Haynes slept the best he has in months.
So that was our eventful week. The church is still true and know i love you all. Thanks for all the love and support.
-Elder Haynes

Tender Mercies
Hey Guys,
Sounds like everyone is doing very well! I am stressed out of my mind actually. Its zone conference week and i am so sick of planning these things. Anyway its a blessing i guess. Sorry i will not have much to write this week. We are really crunched on time. thanks for writing me though and sending those really graphic images! It is insane how everyone is changing. Is bronzen juicing? Seriously keep an eye on that boy. That stuff is actually readily available in high school. Its obvious though that i didnt partake. Gosh i gotta get my but in gear so i wont be an eye sore when i get home! I am sorry your job is so stressful. What other career option are you looking into? I like the sound of what hobbs is becoming. Man what a stud!
I am so jealous of your trip to St. Louis! that is gonna be a bang up time. Man i am missing out on so much. Road Trip! Break out the funyuns and Dr. Pepper. Oh man you dont know what you have till you lose it!
My week was a good and bad. We found out our golden Investigators Nicholas and Eunice are practicing polygamists! So I was pretty depressed this week. Its amazing how much you love them and the amazing relationship built. Then what do they do... "They rip your heart outta your ass!" Thats right. Sorry a little color but with Adam Sandler it seems a little justified. I am really losing steam that i thought was there. The people that were keeping me going wont get dunked. Its really hard to have taught and prepared 4 families for baptism and all have had issues that are not yet resolved. Good news though Sister Miriam did get married on saturday. So she will be a tender mercy. I have been teaching her since may and now i finally get to see her get in the water. Well thats about all thats going on. Please dont have too much fun without me!
Elder Haynes
Sounds like everyone is doing very well! I am stressed out of my mind actually. Its zone conference week and i am so sick of planning these things. Anyway its a blessing i guess. Sorry i will not have much to write this week. We are really crunched on time. thanks for writing me though and sending those really graphic images! It is insane how everyone is changing. Is bronzen juicing? Seriously keep an eye on that boy. That stuff is actually readily available in high school. Its obvious though that i didnt partake. Gosh i gotta get my but in gear so i wont be an eye sore when i get home! I am sorry your job is so stressful. What other career option are you looking into? I like the sound of what hobbs is becoming. Man what a stud!
I am so jealous of your trip to St. Louis! that is gonna be a bang up time. Man i am missing out on so much. Road Trip! Break out the funyuns and Dr. Pepper. Oh man you dont know what you have till you lose it!
My week was a good and bad. We found out our golden Investigators Nicholas and Eunice are practicing polygamists! So I was pretty depressed this week. Its amazing how much you love them and the amazing relationship built. Then what do they do... "They rip your heart outta your ass!" Thats right. Sorry a little color but with Adam Sandler it seems a little justified. I am really losing steam that i thought was there. The people that were keeping me going wont get dunked. Its really hard to have taught and prepared 4 families for baptism and all have had issues that are not yet resolved. Good news though Sister Miriam did get married on saturday. So she will be a tender mercy. I have been teaching her since may and now i finally get to see her get in the water. Well thats about all thats going on. Please dont have too much fun without me!
Elder Haynes
Not Enough Time in a Day
Hello Matt,
Man talk about jealous! I am green with jealous rage right now. Its so cool that you got to go on this trip! Your mom looks so good and i bet this vacation was greatly needed. Meree says your aging lately. I beg ta differ, you look 18 in the picture with your mom. (dont know if that is good or not) She did say you are drinking less coke though so props bro! I am happy for the cards in the playoffs. I am more excited to get your commentary on the series. Well i dont really have much time but thanks for taking the time to write it really means allot. I hope in a few weeks i will be in an area where i can voice record you guys. I feel like emails are just awful these days and not much in is informative. Its really hard to keep you updated when i am so busy. Haha i should talk, i am not the one with a wife and three boys. Well i love you bro and just promise me some fun when i get home eh!
Elder Haynes
Man talk about jealous! I am green with jealous rage right now. Its so cool that you got to go on this trip! Your mom looks so good and i bet this vacation was greatly needed. Meree says your aging lately. I beg ta differ, you look 18 in the picture with your mom. (dont know if that is good or not) She did say you are drinking less coke though so props bro! I am happy for the cards in the playoffs. I am more excited to get your commentary on the series. Well i dont really have much time but thanks for taking the time to write it really means allot. I hope in a few weeks i will be in an area where i can voice record you guys. I feel like emails are just awful these days and not much in is informative. Its really hard to keep you updated when i am so busy. Haha i should talk, i am not the one with a wife and three boys. Well i love you bro and just promise me some fun when i get home eh!
Elder Haynes
Putting Us to the Test
Hey Family,
Sorry about my writing skills. It really has become hard lately, but i promise to do much better in the future. The house looks like a home. Haha meree i love your betty crocker type skills to do it all yourself. Really, i mean i am used to mud huts so this is a huge step up! Wow i cant believe how big owen is getting. What are you feeding your kids. They all look like they are juicing! Meree what you putting in the food?! I think it might be HGH.... so its not illegal here so i am sure you could send it right over. I am glad matt got to go to Nauvoo. What a cool experience! I am so jealous and am really sad i am missing out so much, but no! You guys are missing out! I eat mangoes every day so so so beat that! The new mission age can be both good and bad. I just worry about immature girls out here cause it is already hard enough. For instance, we have a sister in our zone currently who has been texting bad things to another Elder and we have to report and handle the situation. Her companion is 26 and should be the next AP so she is on the ball and actually just reported this today. So i know it is inspired but it will have its set of challenges. I guess they are always there though.
This week was great but also very sad and stressful. There has been an outbreak in our mission and many Elders are saying the mission Pres is racist and also his APs. It is a huge problem! I trained on love and despite our color the lord sees our heart. It is really tearing things apart. There are some missionaries that President just needs to send home. We have two white Aps as companions and the mission is insane. It is really bad. When there are two blacks there isnt a problem but two whites and all hell breaks loose! My zone was leading the mission till Elder Mbazima came here. Does that name sound familiar? He was my companion and is causing all sorts of problems. He is tearing our zone apart. In my interview with president we talked for along time about all this. It just tears him up inside and the whole mission has seen a big change.
Also things are getting pretty crazy here. As the Elections draw near the scarier it gets. Nothing to worry about but we are taking some precautions. All elders must be home by 8, the mission is buying everyone food storage. In mombasa the elders had to stay home for a week and couldnt go out. So yeah its a little rough but the work is moving forward none the less.
It was good to see and talk with Elder Pocock. He is the AP right now. Seriously my best friend of all time. We have such a good relationship and we counsel so much about the mission. It is kinda crazy infact how much President and the Aps confide in me. Its kinda allot of pressure to be asked what we should do in certain situations. It really makes me sad how satan can always find a way in to cause a problem to the lords work. My comp and i fasted this last week for our zone to be more unified and how to solve some problems. Sadly i am just excited to leave in two weeks cause I am pretty certain i am going. I need a change. Its to stressful. I dont sleep worrying about all this stuff. Well i will cut this short, just wanted to let you know whats going on. We are headed to buy all the Elders their food storage so pray for me. You know how much i like shopping! haha
Love Your bro,
Elder Haynes
Sorry about my writing skills. It really has become hard lately, but i promise to do much better in the future. The house looks like a home. Haha meree i love your betty crocker type skills to do it all yourself. Really, i mean i am used to mud huts so this is a huge step up! Wow i cant believe how big owen is getting. What are you feeding your kids. They all look like they are juicing! Meree what you putting in the food?! I think it might be HGH.... so its not illegal here so i am sure you could send it right over. I am glad matt got to go to Nauvoo. What a cool experience! I am so jealous and am really sad i am missing out so much, but no! You guys are missing out! I eat mangoes every day so so so beat that! The new mission age can be both good and bad. I just worry about immature girls out here cause it is already hard enough. For instance, we have a sister in our zone currently who has been texting bad things to another Elder and we have to report and handle the situation. Her companion is 26 and should be the next AP so she is on the ball and actually just reported this today. So i know it is inspired but it will have its set of challenges. I guess they are always there though.
This week was great but also very sad and stressful. There has been an outbreak in our mission and many Elders are saying the mission Pres is racist and also his APs. It is a huge problem! I trained on love and despite our color the lord sees our heart. It is really tearing things apart. There are some missionaries that President just needs to send home. We have two white Aps as companions and the mission is insane. It is really bad. When there are two blacks there isnt a problem but two whites and all hell breaks loose! My zone was leading the mission till Elder Mbazima came here. Does that name sound familiar? He was my companion and is causing all sorts of problems. He is tearing our zone apart. In my interview with president we talked for along time about all this. It just tears him up inside and the whole mission has seen a big change.
Also things are getting pretty crazy here. As the Elections draw near the scarier it gets. Nothing to worry about but we are taking some precautions. All elders must be home by 8, the mission is buying everyone food storage. In mombasa the elders had to stay home for a week and couldnt go out. So yeah its a little rough but the work is moving forward none the less.
It was good to see and talk with Elder Pocock. He is the AP right now. Seriously my best friend of all time. We have such a good relationship and we counsel so much about the mission. It is kinda crazy infact how much President and the Aps confide in me. Its kinda allot of pressure to be asked what we should do in certain situations. It really makes me sad how satan can always find a way in to cause a problem to the lords work. My comp and i fasted this last week for our zone to be more unified and how to solve some problems. Sadly i am just excited to leave in two weeks cause I am pretty certain i am going. I need a change. Its to stressful. I dont sleep worrying about all this stuff. Well i will cut this short, just wanted to let you know whats going on. We are headed to buy all the Elders their food storage so pray for me. You know how much i like shopping! haha
Love Your bro,
Elder Haynes
The Work, The Work, The Work is on Fire!
Dear Family,
Now that is what i am talking about! That is an email! You guys sound so good and i am really happy how much you love you ward and stake. I am excited to see it in action. Just the one week in Elders Quorum could make any man lust! Then hearing about the shooting activities makes me tear up to be quite honest. I am a little nervous about talking in that ward when i come home. A, I dont know anyone B, They are all white and 3, I dont know anyone. Do you think our former wards will ask me to come? I know sometimes when missionaries get home they get assigned with a high councilman and they have to speak like crazy! Maybe i could dodge that bullet. I know i will just apply the 5 D's of dodge ball. Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and..... Dodge. Anyway that is just crazy about porter. Haha he is a little drama queen! Does he still get mad if his clothes dont feel exactly right? Sadly, He has a point on that one, just goes about it in a little different way. You are getting in shape huh? That paint race sounds somehow fun but some how dangerous and inconvenient. Living on the edge eh? Speaking of living on the edge, could you guys take a snow trip to brianhead for me and tell her i will be there soon. I miss her like i miss english.(Allot) I find myself speaking allot of swahili lately. It is still improving really well since we have been tracting in the ghetto.
Speaking of the work, It is on fire! We had 20 investigators at church this yesterday. It was just nuttier than squirrel turds. A little overwhelming to be honest but things are going so great! Nicholas and Eunice are pretty much the coolest couple in this country. I love them so much. They have a personality and a good sense of humor and can joke and laugh at themselves. Mirium is not married yet. It is now set AGAIN for this saturday, so keep your fingers crossed! We are shooting for 4 baptisms on the 14th of october. Man i am praying for that. Its so good to see the fruit ripening. Elder Woolard will have allot to do when i scamper off. We should have 5 more after i get transferred. So every friday we street board(its where we set up a table in front of the church with a board with lots of pics to draw people in and just talk gospel and give them materials. Its a really good finding tactic) and this week it was much funner(is that a word? I guess if spell check didnt get me, man i rely on that these days) Anyway we spotted a group of drunks staggering down the road and they came up and were asking for pamphlets. So we gave them a bunch and they were so excited and started handing them out to everybody. Haha its our new tactic to get the good news out. It was so funny to see them staggering and waving down cars even. Haha it was a good time. Then we had two pastors at different times come up and start yelling. "You cant teach me anything, I have many degrees in theology!" The other "Your church turns people to a man,(Joseph Smith) People come to ME then through offerings i turn them to God!" Man where we live we have many crazy churches. Lots of whores in Huruma(abominable churches). haha Also earlier in the week we met a guy that was so smashed he could barely stand up. We gave him a word of wisdom pamphlet and he staggered off. We found him later that day passed out in a field with the pamphlet in hand. Dont worry i got a picture! The drunks make the work fun. We usually dont tract much because of how the houses are here. They have big gates and multiply houses with in and it is pretty privacy invading but we did find some good people from it. We are doing great and i am really glad i stayed but i will be really glad when i go!
So i have really come down on my standards. If the Hadleys thought B-row and i were barbarians when i left they best be worried now. We are back to rarely having water or power and our cleanliness is really going south. But good news my immune system can put everyone to shame so there is room to be grateful. Some times we only have water for 3 or 4 hours a week and it will just come on at random times. So not cool but way awesome. Its just like camping for 2 years! What is nice is you can never really smell. Well you can but no one thinks you stink! So we are working hard and loving every second. We are starting a music/choir class in our branch. We are sick and tired of people singing the same hymns and the ones they know are butchered so we will see how that goes. I shall keep you updated.
We are doing great as ZLs. My zone is leading the mission and it shows. Every month we have a ZTM(Zone Training meeting) and we get to evaluated and stress obedience and it is a great thing. We are actually doing it this wednesday i will let you know how that goes. It is really good to see the growth. A general authority came to visit the District and said you need 300 more people to get a stake. Whether they are reactivated or new converts. So for 9 branches that is really just around the corner. There is only one stake in the mission and you need at least 5 stakes and allot of tithing payers to get one so we are a little ways off but maybe ten years down the line.
Well thank you so much for this last email. I love hearing about everything. It was making me miss you guys so much though. I miss all the good humor and fun times. Our family is proof that you dont need money to have fun and make memories. Ooooo... I think if we put our heads together we could come up with some good material. New york times best seller? Amy and i are still writing every week and still very close! You need to hit her up and invite her down again! She is not in school this semester so i am sure if she got work off she would love to grace our blessed city with her presence again. Tell bronzen hands off though! haha Any who i love you guys and know i am doing so well and just happy to be serving the Lord. I am learning so much out here. haha who knew right! haha Anyway keep up the good work and know you are in ma prayers. Oh if you could do me a favor i would really appreciate. There is no hurry but i need my passwords for my dixie college info. I totally forgot. Even applying for Fasfa and what not. Can you believe i gotta think about that stuff now.
Elder Seth Ryan Haynes
Now that is what i am talking about! That is an email! You guys sound so good and i am really happy how much you love you ward and stake. I am excited to see it in action. Just the one week in Elders Quorum could make any man lust! Then hearing about the shooting activities makes me tear up to be quite honest. I am a little nervous about talking in that ward when i come home. A, I dont know anyone B, They are all white and 3, I dont know anyone. Do you think our former wards will ask me to come? I know sometimes when missionaries get home they get assigned with a high councilman and they have to speak like crazy! Maybe i could dodge that bullet. I know i will just apply the 5 D's of dodge ball. Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and..... Dodge. Anyway that is just crazy about porter. Haha he is a little drama queen! Does he still get mad if his clothes dont feel exactly right? Sadly, He has a point on that one, just goes about it in a little different way. You are getting in shape huh? That paint race sounds somehow fun but some how dangerous and inconvenient. Living on the edge eh? Speaking of living on the edge, could you guys take a snow trip to brianhead for me and tell her i will be there soon. I miss her like i miss english.(Allot) I find myself speaking allot of swahili lately. It is still improving really well since we have been tracting in the ghetto.
Speaking of the work, It is on fire! We had 20 investigators at church this yesterday. It was just nuttier than squirrel turds. A little overwhelming to be honest but things are going so great! Nicholas and Eunice are pretty much the coolest couple in this country. I love them so much. They have a personality and a good sense of humor and can joke and laugh at themselves. Mirium is not married yet. It is now set AGAIN for this saturday, so keep your fingers crossed! We are shooting for 4 baptisms on the 14th of october. Man i am praying for that. Its so good to see the fruit ripening. Elder Woolard will have allot to do when i scamper off. We should have 5 more after i get transferred. So every friday we street board(its where we set up a table in front of the church with a board with lots of pics to draw people in and just talk gospel and give them materials. Its a really good finding tactic) and this week it was much funner(is that a word? I guess if spell check didnt get me, man i rely on that these days) Anyway we spotted a group of drunks staggering down the road and they came up and were asking for pamphlets. So we gave them a bunch and they were so excited and started handing them out to everybody. Haha its our new tactic to get the good news out. It was so funny to see them staggering and waving down cars even. Haha it was a good time. Then we had two pastors at different times come up and start yelling. "You cant teach me anything, I have many degrees in theology!" The other "Your church turns people to a man,(Joseph Smith) People come to ME then through offerings i turn them to God!" Man where we live we have many crazy churches. Lots of whores in Huruma(abominable churches). haha Also earlier in the week we met a guy that was so smashed he could barely stand up. We gave him a word of wisdom pamphlet and he staggered off. We found him later that day passed out in a field with the pamphlet in hand. Dont worry i got a picture! The drunks make the work fun. We usually dont tract much because of how the houses are here. They have big gates and multiply houses with in and it is pretty privacy invading but we did find some good people from it. We are doing great and i am really glad i stayed but i will be really glad when i go!
So i have really come down on my standards. If the Hadleys thought B-row and i were barbarians when i left they best be worried now. We are back to rarely having water or power and our cleanliness is really going south. But good news my immune system can put everyone to shame so there is room to be grateful. Some times we only have water for 3 or 4 hours a week and it will just come on at random times. So not cool but way awesome. Its just like camping for 2 years! What is nice is you can never really smell. Well you can but no one thinks you stink! So we are working hard and loving every second. We are starting a music/choir class in our branch. We are sick and tired of people singing the same hymns and the ones they know are butchered so we will see how that goes. I shall keep you updated.
We are doing great as ZLs. My zone is leading the mission and it shows. Every month we have a ZTM(Zone Training meeting) and we get to evaluated and stress obedience and it is a great thing. We are actually doing it this wednesday i will let you know how that goes. It is really good to see the growth. A general authority came to visit the District and said you need 300 more people to get a stake. Whether they are reactivated or new converts. So for 9 branches that is really just around the corner. There is only one stake in the mission and you need at least 5 stakes and allot of tithing payers to get one so we are a little ways off but maybe ten years down the line.
Well thank you so much for this last email. I love hearing about everything. It was making me miss you guys so much though. I miss all the good humor and fun times. Our family is proof that you dont need money to have fun and make memories. Ooooo... I think if we put our heads together we could come up with some good material. New york times best seller? Amy and i are still writing every week and still very close! You need to hit her up and invite her down again! She is not in school this semester so i am sure if she got work off she would love to grace our blessed city with her presence again. Tell bronzen hands off though! haha Any who i love you guys and know i am doing so well and just happy to be serving the Lord. I am learning so much out here. haha who knew right! haha Anyway keep up the good work and know you are in ma prayers. Oh if you could do me a favor i would really appreciate. There is no hurry but i need my passwords for my dixie college info. I totally forgot. Even applying for Fasfa and what not. Can you believe i gotta think about that stuff now.
Elder Seth Ryan Haynes
A Taste of Home
How are you guys. I got your Package!!! Man i am spoiled. The popcorn with the jalapeno cheese stuff will be rationed and cherished! Thank you so much for all the treats and socks. It was desperately needed. Thank you again. Well this week was pretty lame as far as work goes cause we had so much to do but it was still great. We had 8 investigators at church and they are amazing people. We have 3 newly wed couples with baptismal dates. It seems they are much more teachable and less stubborn to get them early. haha
The branch has come leaps and bounds. The sacrament meeting was fantastic. I really felt the spirit with the talks which has been the first in a while due to the lack of prep and just terrible talks. But this week was just outstanding. I am glad i stayed. We are seeing some amzing success. Well i really dont have much else to report. We are in a crazy hurry cause we have to go buy tons of stuff to furnish the elders new flat which will be awful. Uh you know how much i like shopping! haha well I love you all. Hey maybe write me earlier so you are not nodding off mid sentence eh?
Elder Haynes
How are you guys. I got your Package!!! Man i am spoiled. The popcorn with the jalapeno cheese stuff will be rationed and cherished! Thank you so much for all the treats and socks. It was desperately needed. Thank you again. Well this week was pretty lame as far as work goes cause we had so much to do but it was still great. We had 8 investigators at church and they are amazing people. We have 3 newly wed couples with baptismal dates. It seems they are much more teachable and less stubborn to get them early. haha
The branch has come leaps and bounds. The sacrament meeting was fantastic. I really felt the spirit with the talks which has been the first in a while due to the lack of prep and just terrible talks. But this week was just outstanding. I am glad i stayed. We are seeing some amzing success. Well i really dont have much else to report. We are in a crazy hurry cause we have to go buy tons of stuff to furnish the elders new flat which will be awful. Uh you know how much i like shopping! haha well I love you all. Hey maybe write me earlier so you are not nodding off mid sentence eh?
Elder Haynes
Staying Here
Dear Family,
Hows it going? So i am staying in my current area. Its bitter sweet but its what the Lord wants. I am helping Elder Woolard so much and he and i have really come far. So another reason i think is because only 12 missionaries are not getting transfered. Meaning Like the entire mission is moving and its so stressful and crazy for pres and the APs so i am pretty okay with not getting transfered. I just hope all the work i have been doing will pay off this transfer and we will see some great baptisms go through. Speaking of baptisms, Yesterday we had a baptism for sister Esther. She is a sister to a member and is here on school break. She is very smart and she basically taught us. Elder Woolard was able to baptize her which was so great for him. I have high hopes for the next six weeks. This week was okay. Not much to report we have just been waiting around for transfer news. I am still the ZL and still have to plan another zone conference which is kinda a bummer but its what the Lord wants. I am excited to see house pictures. It sounds like a great place. How is your SOS club or has it completely fallen apart? You got allot of work to do to catch up with SLAM. They got mugs i hear. I am really hoping I can make a contribution to such a choice organization. Do you think i got what it takes? Maybe you could do some research for me. Do I have to go through initiation? I would assume. You dont get to be men of their position without going through the ringer. haha
Well as for my investigators. Sister Miriam (should) be married this week so her baptism will soon follow. She is doing so well in the Book of Mormon and we have been teaching here since may so i best see her get dunked. Brother Nicholas and Eunice are doing great. They are a great little family with all the faith in the world. We have their date set for the first of october. Brother Andrew has been forced to travel to his future mother in law home which will cost him a small fortune so he can get permission to marry. Kenya traditions and laws are so stupid! So it will take him some time to save up to go. We are kinda sad but we will see. We are really praying the Lord will help him accomplish his righteous desire. We are teaching a new guy named Samuel. He feels its necessary to randomly stand up and say "Praise the Lord" in church. Its crazy and when he prays he says father or jehova every other word. Man these churches are really corrupting people. He is good though a little dense and I feel like reaching across the table and strangling him some times but other than that i love the guy except for his intense BO. Easily has the potency to kill a small child or give a grown man a instant head ache.
Well not much else for you. Elder Pococks moms email is blmill@hotmail.com. Her name Lisa Miller and is to Kind. If you want you could email and mail elder pocock some thing to. He is easily the best friend i have ever had. We have many great experiences together. He is the AP right now and we see eachother all the time and are so much alike its great. Well I love you all and thanks so much. Oh about the packages. I should get them this week which i am sooooo excited about! Thanks for that again and know i am so grateful! Have a great week.
Elder Haynes
Hows it going? So i am staying in my current area. Its bitter sweet but its what the Lord wants. I am helping Elder Woolard so much and he and i have really come far. So another reason i think is because only 12 missionaries are not getting transfered. Meaning Like the entire mission is moving and its so stressful and crazy for pres and the APs so i am pretty okay with not getting transfered. I just hope all the work i have been doing will pay off this transfer and we will see some great baptisms go through. Speaking of baptisms, Yesterday we had a baptism for sister Esther. She is a sister to a member and is here on school break. She is very smart and she basically taught us. Elder Woolard was able to baptize her which was so great for him. I have high hopes for the next six weeks. This week was okay. Not much to report we have just been waiting around for transfer news. I am still the ZL and still have to plan another zone conference which is kinda a bummer but its what the Lord wants. I am excited to see house pictures. It sounds like a great place. How is your SOS club or has it completely fallen apart? You got allot of work to do to catch up with SLAM. They got mugs i hear. I am really hoping I can make a contribution to such a choice organization. Do you think i got what it takes? Maybe you could do some research for me. Do I have to go through initiation? I would assume. You dont get to be men of their position without going through the ringer. haha
Well as for my investigators. Sister Miriam (should) be married this week so her baptism will soon follow. She is doing so well in the Book of Mormon and we have been teaching here since may so i best see her get dunked. Brother Nicholas and Eunice are doing great. They are a great little family with all the faith in the world. We have their date set for the first of october. Brother Andrew has been forced to travel to his future mother in law home which will cost him a small fortune so he can get permission to marry. Kenya traditions and laws are so stupid! So it will take him some time to save up to go. We are kinda sad but we will see. We are really praying the Lord will help him accomplish his righteous desire. We are teaching a new guy named Samuel. He feels its necessary to randomly stand up and say "Praise the Lord" in church. Its crazy and when he prays he says father or jehova every other word. Man these churches are really corrupting people. He is good though a little dense and I feel like reaching across the table and strangling him some times but other than that i love the guy except for his intense BO. Easily has the potency to kill a small child or give a grown man a instant head ache.
Well not much else for you. Elder Pococks moms email is blmill@hotmail.com. Her name Lisa Miller and is to Kind. If you want you could email and mail elder pocock some thing to. He is easily the best friend i have ever had. We have many great experiences together. He is the AP right now and we see eachother all the time and are so much alike its great. Well I love you all and thanks so much. Oh about the packages. I should get them this week which i am sooooo excited about! Thanks for that again and know i am so grateful! Have a great week.
Elder Haynes
So Much To Do I Can't Relax
Hey Family,
congrats on the new house! I am so excited to see the Hadley place! Man i am so sorry about porter and owen! I hope they dont have any scarring from this skin rash. Man what is wrong with quinn and nicole. Making the poor little bugga feel like a freak. Pretty immature it you ask me. Well i dont have much time today, but i am doing good. My comp is getting much better since president B got him some prozac. Haha night and day difference. Its nice to live in our day, a blessing really. Our week has been pretty mediocre. We had one great experience though. We did our mormon helping hands service project on saturday which was so fun and a total success. We donated blood and planted 570 trees at the local hospital. It was a blast and it was good to see members doing something for the church instead of the church doing something for them.
We are headed to kisumu this week to leadership training. Its about a 3 hour drive on some intense roads so we are pretty stoked for that. I am gonna have some nice talk with pres about my future plans. I am a little stressed about the future and trying to decide if i want to come home a transfer early for school so its not like i get home and a week later be back in school. Any thoughts on that? I mean i know i am only gonna serve a mission once but pres says we need to make that transition as smooth as possible. I hear its a pretty hard transition. Especially being here. I am having a hard time sleeping for the past month or so. I think its cause my mind is restless and i am so deep in thought i cant seem to relax. It could have something to do with barking dogs and stupid chickens but who knows. Well we are doing well i hope i will have more to report next week. The work is soooo good and we are getting so many people right now. We have a nice family right now progressing well and we have high hopes for them. Keep up the good work family. I love you all and take care!
congrats on the new house! I am so excited to see the Hadley place! Man i am so sorry about porter and owen! I hope they dont have any scarring from this skin rash. Man what is wrong with quinn and nicole. Making the poor little bugga feel like a freak. Pretty immature it you ask me. Well i dont have much time today, but i am doing good. My comp is getting much better since president B got him some prozac. Haha night and day difference. Its nice to live in our day, a blessing really. Our week has been pretty mediocre. We had one great experience though. We did our mormon helping hands service project on saturday which was so fun and a total success. We donated blood and planted 570 trees at the local hospital. It was a blast and it was good to see members doing something for the church instead of the church doing something for them.
We are headed to kisumu this week to leadership training. Its about a 3 hour drive on some intense roads so we are pretty stoked for that. I am gonna have some nice talk with pres about my future plans. I am a little stressed about the future and trying to decide if i want to come home a transfer early for school so its not like i get home and a week later be back in school. Any thoughts on that? I mean i know i am only gonna serve a mission once but pres says we need to make that transition as smooth as possible. I hear its a pretty hard transition. Especially being here. I am having a hard time sleeping for the past month or so. I think its cause my mind is restless and i am so deep in thought i cant seem to relax. It could have something to do with barking dogs and stupid chickens but who knows. Well we are doing well i hope i will have more to report next week. The work is soooo good and we are getting so many people right now. We have a nice family right now progressing well and we have high hopes for them. Keep up the good work family. I love you all and take care!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Patience is a Virtue
Hey Guys,
I know this is the move week so you guys are crazy busy. Well i will be short this week. Not much to report. Its been kinda a roller coaster week. So my comp kinda is going through a mental break down thing. He as like super bad anxiety and it is really affecting the work. He is so cool when he is in a good mood but is seriously bipolar and something isnt right upstairs. We have been on the phone with the mission pres all week and my comp talking with the church psych. Its kinda insane really. The problem is the work is on fire right now and he gets upset with people and hates doing missionary work. It is the weirdest thing ever. He just snapped one day and started crying. Man why me? haha We are really praying for him though. He just is so self critical and is way to hard on himself. He has done the opposite since he has been out. Instead of loving people more he hates them. We had a day when we did nothing and he was completely happy then when we had a full day of appointments he freaked. Man weird crap going on. The craziest part is the work is outstanding right now so it really hurts me. I feel like he is dragging me down. We had 11 investigators at church yesterday. It was so great. Also they reorganized the Branch Presidency. Man now things will get done. We are really excited. Andrew is doing so good and his wife is totally on board and has been coming to church. Miriam is FINALLY getting married on Sept 15 which is so great. She is so smart and is really reading the Book of Mormon. She was asking some amazing Q's yesterday when we visited.
So yesterday we had a DA at sister Kasinas place. Probably one of the coolest biggest laddies ever. She reminds me of sister Miller and that other crazy lady in the 6th ward. She has so many problems but is hilarious. She cooked great food but we had to walk like two hours home in the craziest rainstorm i have ever been in. Like it rains here everyday, but this was just insane. I have quit washing my pants cause everyday they get covered in mud anyway. haha i love this place. So many stories and adventures to tell you guys when i get home. So have you guys been watching the olympics? Look for david rudishia. We know his family. The guy is a machine. But we are also havnig our own olympics next week for p-day. We are calling it the "Banana Olympics!" We have got a bunch of creative events of course all involving bananas.(my idea) My inspiration came from the office olympics on the office, season 1 if i am not mistaken. Although we have no awesome paper clip yogurt foil medals to present it should be a pretty fun bang up time. Well thats all i have to report. Otherwise, the church is true and i am loving ever minute of this experience!
Elder Seth Ryan Haynes
I know this is the move week so you guys are crazy busy. Well i will be short this week. Not much to report. Its been kinda a roller coaster week. So my comp kinda is going through a mental break down thing. He as like super bad anxiety and it is really affecting the work. He is so cool when he is in a good mood but is seriously bipolar and something isnt right upstairs. We have been on the phone with the mission pres all week and my comp talking with the church psych. Its kinda insane really. The problem is the work is on fire right now and he gets upset with people and hates doing missionary work. It is the weirdest thing ever. He just snapped one day and started crying. Man why me? haha We are really praying for him though. He just is so self critical and is way to hard on himself. He has done the opposite since he has been out. Instead of loving people more he hates them. We had a day when we did nothing and he was completely happy then when we had a full day of appointments he freaked. Man weird crap going on. The craziest part is the work is outstanding right now so it really hurts me. I feel like he is dragging me down. We had 11 investigators at church yesterday. It was so great. Also they reorganized the Branch Presidency. Man now things will get done. We are really excited. Andrew is doing so good and his wife is totally on board and has been coming to church. Miriam is FINALLY getting married on Sept 15 which is so great. She is so smart and is really reading the Book of Mormon. She was asking some amazing Q's yesterday when we visited.
So yesterday we had a DA at sister Kasinas place. Probably one of the coolest biggest laddies ever. She reminds me of sister Miller and that other crazy lady in the 6th ward. She has so many problems but is hilarious. She cooked great food but we had to walk like two hours home in the craziest rainstorm i have ever been in. Like it rains here everyday, but this was just insane. I have quit washing my pants cause everyday they get covered in mud anyway. haha i love this place. So many stories and adventures to tell you guys when i get home. So have you guys been watching the olympics? Look for david rudishia. We know his family. The guy is a machine. But we are also havnig our own olympics next week for p-day. We are calling it the "Banana Olympics!" We have got a bunch of creative events of course all involving bananas.(my idea) My inspiration came from the office olympics on the office, season 1 if i am not mistaken. Although we have no awesome paper clip yogurt foil medals to present it should be a pretty fun bang up time. Well thats all i have to report. Otherwise, the church is true and i am loving ever minute of this experience!
Elder Seth Ryan Haynes
Hump Day!
Dear Family,
I cant believe this week marks one year in the service of the Lord. I cant believe how much i have learned in such a short time. I just think how much more is to come. I am doing great. The only thing i could use is a few pair of socks. Those ctr drymax ones from adrians. I love wearing them they are so choice. It was nice to see the pictures of the Raptors game. Seriously i think this is going down in summer history."chalk it up." Thanks for taking good care of me with packages they are much appreciated and humbly accepted! My companions also thank you! Matthew is a pretty good writer. We usually stay in good contact. Dj not so much. Tish i have emailed her a few times but she hasnt written in probably 6 months. I wrote her again today. I hope she is doing well.
My knew comp is a ooober goober. Hahaha he is a stud though. I quote a movie and he knows. He likes to laugh and is most definitely not a robot missionary. We have so much fun! While waiting for him i had just a bang up time with Elder Jensen. He is our DL. He from new york and a straight of stud. We stayed up till 5am and woke up at 6:30. Last week we went on exchanges and did the same. Out of control. I have been tired for the past year anyway so why not if i am tired either way. We played a game called "Edward Liter Hands." It originated as a drinking game of alcohol but we have adapted it to our circumstances. So how it works is we Tape our hands to liter bottles of soda and cant remove them until we have finished. And when you finish you have to take them off with no assistance. Man it was crazy. I think you can us your imagine the challenges that were involved. Haha mission is allot of crazy fun!
So the work this week was a little slow cause i was only in my area for a few days. It has been good though. Brother Andrew the one who speaks little english has drastically improved. He has a english and swahili book of mormon and is doing in Other side of heaven style and its working. He loves the BOM. His wife left him and travel up country because he was investigating the church and she and his family called him a devil worshiper. He started reading the BOM over the phone and she came back and said this book has something i need. I asked what fixed the issue and he smiled and said the book! Man it is doing wonders here. The problem with her though is she speaks no english and cant read either language. Yeah its tough but worth it. Sister miriam will have a wedding date set this week and will be dunked soon there after. We doing great. We are working on finding some more choice people ripe for da pickin. Our branch seems to be improving. All of our Recent converts have all been given callings from sunday school teacher to young mens pres. I couldn't be prouder! Thats whats up my side.
Congrats on the house. I am so excited for you! It seems like a potential gathering place hearing the size. You guys deserve it! Way to go on such good deals for the house! Now you know why the Neilds are so happy. They find all the deals. Way to go! Well not much else to report. I laughed so hard hearing about your neighbor. He seems like such a good guy. I love you live in a ward like that! Haha leave it to PJ to befriend a rich middle aged man. This is my report. It is well!!! haha sack religious. I love you all and keep the faith and keep smiling!
Elder Sephers
I cant believe this week marks one year in the service of the Lord. I cant believe how much i have learned in such a short time. I just think how much more is to come. I am doing great. The only thing i could use is a few pair of socks. Those ctr drymax ones from adrians. I love wearing them they are so choice. It was nice to see the pictures of the Raptors game. Seriously i think this is going down in summer history."chalk it up." Thanks for taking good care of me with packages they are much appreciated and humbly accepted! My companions also thank you! Matthew is a pretty good writer. We usually stay in good contact. Dj not so much. Tish i have emailed her a few times but she hasnt written in probably 6 months. I wrote her again today. I hope she is doing well.
My knew comp is a ooober goober. Hahaha he is a stud though. I quote a movie and he knows. He likes to laugh and is most definitely not a robot missionary. We have so much fun! While waiting for him i had just a bang up time with Elder Jensen. He is our DL. He from new york and a straight of stud. We stayed up till 5am and woke up at 6:30. Last week we went on exchanges and did the same. Out of control. I have been tired for the past year anyway so why not if i am tired either way. We played a game called "Edward Liter Hands." It originated as a drinking game of alcohol but we have adapted it to our circumstances. So how it works is we Tape our hands to liter bottles of soda and cant remove them until we have finished. And when you finish you have to take them off with no assistance. Man it was crazy. I think you can us your imagine the challenges that were involved. Haha mission is allot of crazy fun!
So the work this week was a little slow cause i was only in my area for a few days. It has been good though. Brother Andrew the one who speaks little english has drastically improved. He has a english and swahili book of mormon and is doing in Other side of heaven style and its working. He loves the BOM. His wife left him and travel up country because he was investigating the church and she and his family called him a devil worshiper. He started reading the BOM over the phone and she came back and said this book has something i need. I asked what fixed the issue and he smiled and said the book! Man it is doing wonders here. The problem with her though is she speaks no english and cant read either language. Yeah its tough but worth it. Sister miriam will have a wedding date set this week and will be dunked soon there after. We doing great. We are working on finding some more choice people ripe for da pickin. Our branch seems to be improving. All of our Recent converts have all been given callings from sunday school teacher to young mens pres. I couldn't be prouder! Thats whats up my side.
Congrats on the house. I am so excited for you! It seems like a potential gathering place hearing the size. You guys deserve it! Way to go on such good deals for the house! Now you know why the Neilds are so happy. They find all the deals. Way to go! Well not much else to report. I laughed so hard hearing about your neighbor. He seems like such a good guy. I love you live in a ward like that! Haha leave it to PJ to befriend a rich middle aged man. This is my report. It is well!!! haha sack religious. I love you all and keep the faith and keep smiling!
Elder Sephers
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Save Some Fun For Me!!!
Hello Fam,
I am just green with jealous rage right now. Man the fun better continue when i get home cause i am missing out! The trip to Nauvoo sounds so much fun. I cant believe grandma sheila is already at the mission pinnacle. Well good to hear you guys are having a bang up time you truly deserve it! Man i wasnt to sad until you mentioned pumpkin pie!
So things are going well. I cant believe it has been a year. We are working on our branch. We really have some out standing people. There is this little boy in our area that we usually see roaming around. I dont know if i mentioned him before, but his name is clifford. I am pretty sure i could fit him in a suit case and bring him home. He is so cool. Every time i see him i give him frooties. He says he wants to come to America so he can eat them everyday. Poor young chap i got another person hopelessly addicted. Anyway he takes and reads our pamphlets and asks questions, its pretty cool. So the other day we get a call from his mom, at first we thought she was gonna blast us for being nice to her son and filling his head with nonsense but she said i am impressed at how highly my son speaks of you guys, can you come visit me. Um, YES! She is a single mother named Linet and she is a very strong impressive mother. She is loaded. Her house is huge, I forgot i was in east africa for a second. We sat around for a while getting to know each other and sipping coco. She said she has never been married and lost her daughter to leukemia. She teared up and i asked her what she thinks happens when we die. She replied that is the end. I said what if it wasnt, what if you could be with your daughter again? haha it was like seeing a dog on point and their ears suddenly stick up. It was really awesome and so we are seeing her again this week. We really have high hopes for her and her little family. Clifford is 8 years old which is so cool! Man its amazing what the gospel can do.
The work here is unlike any where in the world. Kenya is one of a kind and sometimes i want to scream and other times i am the happiest i have ever been in my entire life. haha kinda sounds like a mission eh? Anyway i like how you all wrote separately. I will disclose a little info in each email so be sure to not be stingy and share the highlights. So man i have been wearing a bullet proof vest since i came out and now it seems like a heavy holy christmas sweater instead. It seems like when mission is going the best thats when opposition comes. I assume that is how it goes with most missionaries but i... i just.... i dont like it! Nope no i dont! But anyway i am hanging in there and joseph smith asked the same question when things were going so well then immediately changed. I am doing good though. i am still batting strong easily a solid .300 and my are RBIs are exceptional i might say even though satan is throwing the change up and a filthy curve! This reading of the Book of Mormon is really what is keeping me going. Allot of good stuff in 531 pages. Well thats all for me. Have fun at the raptors and bees games, man our family is bouncing around the country like a beach ball at a nickle back concert! I am jealous, but i should stop cause herd satan was jealous. haha
-Elder Haynes
I am just green with jealous rage right now. Man the fun better continue when i get home cause i am missing out! The trip to Nauvoo sounds so much fun. I cant believe grandma sheila is already at the mission pinnacle. Well good to hear you guys are having a bang up time you truly deserve it! Man i wasnt to sad until you mentioned pumpkin pie!
So things are going well. I cant believe it has been a year. We are working on our branch. We really have some out standing people. There is this little boy in our area that we usually see roaming around. I dont know if i mentioned him before, but his name is clifford. I am pretty sure i could fit him in a suit case and bring him home. He is so cool. Every time i see him i give him frooties. He says he wants to come to America so he can eat them everyday. Poor young chap i got another person hopelessly addicted. Anyway he takes and reads our pamphlets and asks questions, its pretty cool. So the other day we get a call from his mom, at first we thought she was gonna blast us for being nice to her son and filling his head with nonsense but she said i am impressed at how highly my son speaks of you guys, can you come visit me. Um, YES! She is a single mother named Linet and she is a very strong impressive mother. She is loaded. Her house is huge, I forgot i was in east africa for a second. We sat around for a while getting to know each other and sipping coco. She said she has never been married and lost her daughter to leukemia. She teared up and i asked her what she thinks happens when we die. She replied that is the end. I said what if it wasnt, what if you could be with your daughter again? haha it was like seeing a dog on point and their ears suddenly stick up. It was really awesome and so we are seeing her again this week. We really have high hopes for her and her little family. Clifford is 8 years old which is so cool! Man its amazing what the gospel can do.
The work here is unlike any where in the world. Kenya is one of a kind and sometimes i want to scream and other times i am the happiest i have ever been in my entire life. haha kinda sounds like a mission eh? Anyway i like how you all wrote separately. I will disclose a little info in each email so be sure to not be stingy and share the highlights. So man i have been wearing a bullet proof vest since i came out and now it seems like a heavy holy christmas sweater instead. It seems like when mission is going the best thats when opposition comes. I assume that is how it goes with most missionaries but i... i just.... i dont like it! Nope no i dont! But anyway i am hanging in there and joseph smith asked the same question when things were going so well then immediately changed. I am doing good though. i am still batting strong easily a solid .300 and my are RBIs are exceptional i might say even though satan is throwing the change up and a filthy curve! This reading of the Book of Mormon is really what is keeping me going. Allot of good stuff in 531 pages. Well thats all for me. Have fun at the raptors and bees games, man our family is bouncing around the country like a beach ball at a nickle back concert! I am jealous, but i should stop cause herd satan was jealous. haha
-Elder Haynes
Miracles Every Day
Hey Family,
Man it sounds like you guys are having a summer dream! I am jealous really only slightly cause i know all that will be there when i get back. Thanks for always taking the time to write! It really means so much to see you letter in my inbox. Man i bet you really had a blast this last week. I love our family and i honestly forget sometimes how cool they really are. Matt, you are serious?! A triathlon. I am so proud and surprised. haha i just laugh out loud so hard. You havent been drinking as much coke to prepare. I know that is something that your dad would say without skipping a beat. And about the cabin, i think it is a must. Man i miss boarding so much. But this makes you appreciate those things even more i guess.
What a awesome week it has been. Not so much on the work side of things but on the spiritual side for sure. So we had zone conference and our them was the atonement. Man i am not gonna lie i totally did work son! Man the spirit was strong. President said I gave the most powerful training in all the zone conferences this round. That made me feel real nice. Man zone conference preparation is hell but seeing the fruit of you stress is so sweet. We ate ourselves silly and learned so much. We were challenged to read the book of mormon before christmas and i challenge you to do the same. Getting the fullness of the atonement through the book of mormon. If you guys read 5 pages a day you will easily have it done before then. I love the book, and i have missed it. I have been studying the bible so much lately i have almost forgotten how much more i love the book of mormon. The funnest thing about zone conference though was to have the APs and all the other zone leaders stay at our flat. We hardly slept. I think slept is a huge exageration i believe blinked is the proper term. So i went and had a few ping pong paddles made on the street and it only cost me 3 bucks. I love Africa(kinda). We stayed up all night playing ping pong drinking coke and eating african made popcorn and frooties. It was so freaking fun. The best part is one elder in kisumu who just came on mission also stayed with us. He is from Leeds england. Dude the kid is so freaking funny. They he says things make me laugh so hard. While were playing ping pong and it came down to game point he would say "For queen and country" hahaha i cried i laughed so hard. I also got him to say "That was one of the all time great world cup goals" ah man funny stuff. He is also a firm believer that the americans would have lost the revolution if God wasnt on our side.(Restoration) haha that one we can agree on. Man it was so fun. Did i mention the church is true? Oh in case you forgot it is.
So like i said it was pretty full the whole week so not much work in our area. But something amzing happened. The guy i told you about who stays way far came to church. He and his 5 kids and wife. They have been saving for months to be able to make it and how amzing it was to see them make that sacrifice. Like we are talking a two hour trip(one way) and a months salary to come to church. Say it with me 1 2 3 "the church is true" Brother david got confirmed and he will receive the priesthood next week if he is not running on kenya standard time. Also we are still waiting for sister miriam to get married so she can get baptized. Brother muthoka our recent convert taught the investigators class on sunday and did a bang up job. I am so proud! He is so converted. He gave the lesson on work and self reliance. Some members were like saying that life is hard and that they deserve assistance because on their hard lives. He said no your bogus and lazy. Everyone born in this world is given the same opportunities. He told the members to quit being lazy. haha i loved it! He said there is no such thing a poor circumstances just poor lazy attitudes. The branch really needed to hear that. In our effort to reactivate people the cry for poverty is the same. They said if Luba or church money is there there they will be also. Its such a hard situation.
Anyway other than that we are continuing on. I love my mission!!!!!! We see miracles everyday and my love and patience is growing too! I love you all so much and thank you for the constant support!
-Elder Sephers
Man it sounds like you guys are having a summer dream! I am jealous really only slightly cause i know all that will be there when i get back. Thanks for always taking the time to write! It really means so much to see you letter in my inbox. Man i bet you really had a blast this last week. I love our family and i honestly forget sometimes how cool they really are. Matt, you are serious?! A triathlon. I am so proud and surprised. haha i just laugh out loud so hard. You havent been drinking as much coke to prepare. I know that is something that your dad would say without skipping a beat. And about the cabin, i think it is a must. Man i miss boarding so much. But this makes you appreciate those things even more i guess.
What a awesome week it has been. Not so much on the work side of things but on the spiritual side for sure. So we had zone conference and our them was the atonement. Man i am not gonna lie i totally did work son! Man the spirit was strong. President said I gave the most powerful training in all the zone conferences this round. That made me feel real nice. Man zone conference preparation is hell but seeing the fruit of you stress is so sweet. We ate ourselves silly and learned so much. We were challenged to read the book of mormon before christmas and i challenge you to do the same. Getting the fullness of the atonement through the book of mormon. If you guys read 5 pages a day you will easily have it done before then. I love the book, and i have missed it. I have been studying the bible so much lately i have almost forgotten how much more i love the book of mormon. The funnest thing about zone conference though was to have the APs and all the other zone leaders stay at our flat. We hardly slept. I think slept is a huge exageration i believe blinked is the proper term. So i went and had a few ping pong paddles made on the street and it only cost me 3 bucks. I love Africa(kinda). We stayed up all night playing ping pong drinking coke and eating african made popcorn and frooties. It was so freaking fun. The best part is one elder in kisumu who just came on mission also stayed with us. He is from Leeds england. Dude the kid is so freaking funny. They he says things make me laugh so hard. While were playing ping pong and it came down to game point he would say "For queen and country" hahaha i cried i laughed so hard. I also got him to say "That was one of the all time great world cup goals" ah man funny stuff. He is also a firm believer that the americans would have lost the revolution if God wasnt on our side.(Restoration) haha that one we can agree on. Man it was so fun. Did i mention the church is true? Oh in case you forgot it is.
So like i said it was pretty full the whole week so not much work in our area. But something amzing happened. The guy i told you about who stays way far came to church. He and his 5 kids and wife. They have been saving for months to be able to make it and how amzing it was to see them make that sacrifice. Like we are talking a two hour trip(one way) and a months salary to come to church. Say it with me 1 2 3 "the church is true" Brother david got confirmed and he will receive the priesthood next week if he is not running on kenya standard time. Also we are still waiting for sister miriam to get married so she can get baptized. Brother muthoka our recent convert taught the investigators class on sunday and did a bang up job. I am so proud! He is so converted. He gave the lesson on work and self reliance. Some members were like saying that life is hard and that they deserve assistance because on their hard lives. He said no your bogus and lazy. Everyone born in this world is given the same opportunities. He told the members to quit being lazy. haha i loved it! He said there is no such thing a poor circumstances just poor lazy attitudes. The branch really needed to hear that. In our effort to reactivate people the cry for poverty is the same. They said if Luba or church money is there there they will be also. Its such a hard situation.
Anyway other than that we are continuing on. I love my mission!!!!!! We see miracles everyday and my love and patience is growing too! I love you all so much and thank you for the constant support!
-Elder Sephers
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
The Church Is true and the Book is Blue!
Hey guys,
Meree i am really sorry what you are going through, but as we Haynes know it all happens for a reason. I am so glad you are healthy though. If you have seen what i have seen, health is one of the greatest gifts of god!
So we had a tremendous week! Man we have been receiving an intense amount of persecution lately. Here in Eldoret there are literally thousands of churches. They dont even know what they believe either. People text us every day to repent and quit worshiping joseph smith. They tell us to read scriptures that totally contradict what they are saying. haha its funny. Just today on the way to the store a guy stopped us and started bashing us telling us we arent in accordance with the bible. He asked what is said when someone is baptized. I told him in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost. He said he would give me 10,000ksh (approximately $130) if i could show him where it says it in the bible. Man thats how i know people do not read. Matthew 28:19-20. They bite off more than they can chew! haha Bible bashing is so fun but it doesnt go anywhere. Anyway we get called devil worshipers everyday but in the pit of disrepair, "as our hearts were depressed and we were about to turn back the lord grants success." We found two amazing families! Man i love teaching a whole family. I have never felt such joy than see them walk into the church late(this is kenya). The spirit is was so strong. And brother david was baptized yesterday. He had me do it which was a special experience but man that water is soooo cold!
So things are so Great! Man the Lord is so involved in what we do everyday. One guy we met named Andrew came to church last week and we met him on tuesday. He said every time he saw us he felt his feeling like he had never felt before. They way he described it made me laugh. He said it made his blood move fast and tingle. Man the spirit is so cool. We would always walk past his work and wave with a smile(flirt to convert!) He said something was pushing him to come. He just came to church. He doesnt speak much english but enough. He brought his wife and child on sunday and they were astounded at our church. They loved it. We are teaching them english class every week and are totally loving and learning. We snook up to surprise him at his work and found him reading the book of mormon. He can barely speak, but he understands the BOM. He says thats how he knows it true he feels good and doesnt understand even the bible. Man i Love My Mission!!!! Uh my heart is full and my gratitude to the Lord is past full! This is gods work.
I am going on exchanges today with elder Vitason. He speaks like no english but man when he teaches it broken kabisa but the spirit is with this little guy. He is so funny too! Man i love mission i cant even tell you how good i feel and the experiences i am having. I am also very fond of my bed! The Lords work is not walking the the park. Anyway i am so pumped for this next week. It seems like time moves faster every day too. Sorry i dont have much time i will write more next week! Keep the faith and know that Jesus is ALWAYS there. Man i just cant even describe it! AHHHHH!!!! I love this true and living church. And i am learning so much! I love guys so much and i know the Lord is providing daily for my family! Dont give up the fight!
Love Elder Haynes
Ps The Church Is true and the Book is Blue!
Meree i am really sorry what you are going through, but as we Haynes know it all happens for a reason. I am so glad you are healthy though. If you have seen what i have seen, health is one of the greatest gifts of god!
So we had a tremendous week! Man we have been receiving an intense amount of persecution lately. Here in Eldoret there are literally thousands of churches. They dont even know what they believe either. People text us every day to repent and quit worshiping joseph smith. They tell us to read scriptures that totally contradict what they are saying. haha its funny. Just today on the way to the store a guy stopped us and started bashing us telling us we arent in accordance with the bible. He asked what is said when someone is baptized. I told him in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost. He said he would give me 10,000ksh (approximately $130) if i could show him where it says it in the bible. Man thats how i know people do not read. Matthew 28:19-20. They bite off more than they can chew! haha Bible bashing is so fun but it doesnt go anywhere. Anyway we get called devil worshipers everyday but in the pit of disrepair, "as our hearts were depressed and we were about to turn back the lord grants success." We found two amazing families! Man i love teaching a whole family. I have never felt such joy than see them walk into the church late(this is kenya). The spirit is was so strong. And brother david was baptized yesterday. He had me do it which was a special experience but man that water is soooo cold!
So things are so Great! Man the Lord is so involved in what we do everyday. One guy we met named Andrew came to church last week and we met him on tuesday. He said every time he saw us he felt his feeling like he had never felt before. They way he described it made me laugh. He said it made his blood move fast and tingle. Man the spirit is so cool. We would always walk past his work and wave with a smile(flirt to convert!) He said something was pushing him to come. He just came to church. He doesnt speak much english but enough. He brought his wife and child on sunday and they were astounded at our church. They loved it. We are teaching them english class every week and are totally loving and learning. We snook up to surprise him at his work and found him reading the book of mormon. He can barely speak, but he understands the BOM. He says thats how he knows it true he feels good and doesnt understand even the bible. Man i Love My Mission!!!! Uh my heart is full and my gratitude to the Lord is past full! This is gods work.
I am going on exchanges today with elder Vitason. He speaks like no english but man when he teaches it broken kabisa but the spirit is with this little guy. He is so funny too! Man i love mission i cant even tell you how good i feel and the experiences i am having. I am also very fond of my bed! The Lords work is not walking the the park. Anyway i am so pumped for this next week. It seems like time moves faster every day too. Sorry i dont have much time i will write more next week! Keep the faith and know that Jesus is ALWAYS there. Man i just cant even describe it! AHHHHH!!!! I love this true and living church. And i am learning so much! I love guys so much and i know the Lord is providing daily for my family! Dont give up the fight!
Love Elder Haynes
Ps The Church Is true and the Book is Blue!
Keep On Keeping On
Hello Family,
Man it has been a rough week! Hang in there meree! This email was really scary to read actually but it is so good to know she is okay. Matt you and Meree need to get away just with the two of you and just relax, Aug 7th maybe. haha Meree i will keep you in my prayers. Man i am sorry all these things are going on right now. I hope you all are doing okay. I am so happy for the ward you are in. It seems like you should stick around this place. I only attended that sunday but it was just so different from the sunset wards. I am glad you are being nourished in that place.
So you got the DVD and CD with Pictures i sent with another missionary!? Its about time he went home in Feb. haha sorry i am bad about pictures. It is really difficult to print, upload and or send them to you guys. Hey at least we will have a good time when i get home going through them with everyone.
This week has been a little rough. We were supposed to have the two baptisms but didnt. Sister Miriam is still breaking the law of chasity with her boy friend who is a member. I talked to president B bout it and he said they need to just get married before she gets baptized. He said "You know once you have tasted that sweet nectar its hard to stop" We both had a good hard laugh. haha I would go crazy without that man leading the mission. I cant imagine a Ronnie in the office. So the other baptism, David, who actually just might be the next Branch Pres, showed up sunday for his baptism and there was no water to the font. We asked the BML to fill it days ago but when we went to turn the water on on sunday nothing came out! So this is kenya and sometimes(always) these things happen. Luckily he has such a strong testimony he understood so we are hoping for next sunday(if there is water to dunk him in of course) Our Branch Pres is pretty crazy and doesnt love the members. Two of our investigators got up and left the meeting during his testimony which was more of a blast the members talk. Its interesting to see the church in early stages here and wonder if it was any different than the early days of the church in the 1800s.
Anyway other than that we are doing great. My comp makes me laugh so much. Every night i make him tell me a story which he usually just makes up. With his little bit of english he says some outlandish things that just tickle me pink. I am so grateful to have him and will be so sad to lose him at the end of this month. Our area is in the heart of the rainy season. Every day it rains, NAY, It pours at 3 oclock. Its like amazing everyday without fail. It is nice cause i love rain, but the mud and the cold really make people not want to talk. They stay in and think you can get malaria from the cold. haha people here are so funny.
In response to porters question, I have eaten so many mangos i cant even count. I think it will be hard to not have them around any more especially for 4 cents each. Good deal eh! This zone is so fantastic and we are so united. We played ultimate frisbee today and i think white and black alike thoroughly enjoy themselves. It was a little crazy trying to teach them how to throw the thing but i told them short clean passes wins the game. So they picked up on it pretty well. Anyway thats about all i have for you. Thanks for all you guys support. It helps so much. I am trying my best to keep you updated. I will send some pictures soon. I love you all so much and am so grateful for you love and support. Well keep on keeping on! Our theme for Zone Conference on the 20th is Andersens talk from this last conference, "What Thinks christ of me?" It is an amazing talk and makes you do a little soul searching. If you can get your hands on a copy i highly recommend it. Well till next week.
-Elder Haynes
PS As for the Package i have never missed wild berry skittles, peanut M&Ms, and Tropical starbursts so much in my life, Just a thought though! haha
Man it has been a rough week! Hang in there meree! This email was really scary to read actually but it is so good to know she is okay. Matt you and Meree need to get away just with the two of you and just relax, Aug 7th maybe. haha Meree i will keep you in my prayers. Man i am sorry all these things are going on right now. I hope you all are doing okay. I am so happy for the ward you are in. It seems like you should stick around this place. I only attended that sunday but it was just so different from the sunset wards. I am glad you are being nourished in that place.
So you got the DVD and CD with Pictures i sent with another missionary!? Its about time he went home in Feb. haha sorry i am bad about pictures. It is really difficult to print, upload and or send them to you guys. Hey at least we will have a good time when i get home going through them with everyone.
This week has been a little rough. We were supposed to have the two baptisms but didnt. Sister Miriam is still breaking the law of chasity with her boy friend who is a member. I talked to president B bout it and he said they need to just get married before she gets baptized. He said "You know once you have tasted that sweet nectar its hard to stop" We both had a good hard laugh. haha I would go crazy without that man leading the mission. I cant imagine a Ronnie in the office. So the other baptism, David, who actually just might be the next Branch Pres, showed up sunday for his baptism and there was no water to the font. We asked the BML to fill it days ago but when we went to turn the water on on sunday nothing came out! So this is kenya and sometimes(always) these things happen. Luckily he has such a strong testimony he understood so we are hoping for next sunday(if there is water to dunk him in of course) Our Branch Pres is pretty crazy and doesnt love the members. Two of our investigators got up and left the meeting during his testimony which was more of a blast the members talk. Its interesting to see the church in early stages here and wonder if it was any different than the early days of the church in the 1800s.
Anyway other than that we are doing great. My comp makes me laugh so much. Every night i make him tell me a story which he usually just makes up. With his little bit of english he says some outlandish things that just tickle me pink. I am so grateful to have him and will be so sad to lose him at the end of this month. Our area is in the heart of the rainy season. Every day it rains, NAY, It pours at 3 oclock. Its like amazing everyday without fail. It is nice cause i love rain, but the mud and the cold really make people not want to talk. They stay in and think you can get malaria from the cold. haha people here are so funny.
In response to porters question, I have eaten so many mangos i cant even count. I think it will be hard to not have them around any more especially for 4 cents each. Good deal eh! This zone is so fantastic and we are so united. We played ultimate frisbee today and i think white and black alike thoroughly enjoy themselves. It was a little crazy trying to teach them how to throw the thing but i told them short clean passes wins the game. So they picked up on it pretty well. Anyway thats about all i have for you. Thanks for all you guys support. It helps so much. I am trying my best to keep you updated. I will send some pictures soon. I love you all so much and am so grateful for you love and support. Well keep on keeping on! Our theme for Zone Conference on the 20th is Andersens talk from this last conference, "What Thinks christ of me?" It is an amazing talk and makes you do a little soul searching. If you can get your hands on a copy i highly recommend it. Well till next week.
-Elder Haynes
PS As for the Package i have never missed wild berry skittles, peanut M&Ms, and Tropical starbursts so much in my life, Just a thought though! haha
Life Is So Different Here
Hey Guys!!!!
Meree I love you so much! You are such a great example and such a great strength to me. I have learned so much here and i know we will see little peanut before you know it! You know i am thoroughly convinced that God is building the Haynes family for reasons unknown to us at this point in time but down the road all of what we have been through as hard as its been i know its for a reason. Any intelligence we gain in this life will rise with us in the resurrection. I realize that our life has helped me out here. I still have much to learn but i know if i hadnt been though that, things would be very different. One elder i actually couldnt stand at the time but grew to love(lesson learned i know) said something that really made me think. He said You dont have control over others actions, but how you react is entirely within your control. That has made me think allot and couldnt be more true. But i will say i have never met people who have been through the ringer like us but i am sure grateful. Look how out of control other people are! haha We are pretty dang awesome. Jesus shapes us into usful tools with life experiences. Just like Zions camp in church history, It prove pointless to some but out of it the Lord sifted the wheat from the tares and called his 12 apostles from those faithful men. Its just like Abraham being called to sacrifice Issac! If that isnt faith i dont know what is! I Now see each obstacles or trials in our life is the refiners fire. He wont give us more than we can handle and he only give us to make us better. There was a saying coach Ward used to say, Pain is weakness leaving the body! and What doesnt kill you makes you stronger. I see that with my hard companions. During those obstacles I really see who and what i am. I have learned so much from each one and wouldnt have it any other way! Good old Jeff Holland said The thing the Lord enjoys most is being merciful! Sometimes that is hard to see when trials come. But what most fail to realize is his mercy might come in the form of hardship that is a key to unlock the next door. Meree I love you Big Sis, I know that if anyway can handle this it is you! I pray for the family each day but specifically for you! When it gets the hardest i know who is there to lift the load that is just to heavy to bear. Gosh, Our family is so cool!
So it has been a pretty so so week. We sent missionaries off and received the next day. We have a solid zone right now! We are working on getting all the flats upgraded. Lots of guys are getting sick in the mission. Haha Sister B is so great. She reminds me of Mark Hadley and that the truth will be told despite your feelings. Haha its just a good way to live. She yells at lazy elders. Most are sick cause they wash their bedding like every few months and never wash their towels. Here you gotta do that every week. But man washing bedding and towels by hand is no easy task. My forearms just might win over my future wife. I mean moving a wet towel from the washer to the dryer is strenuous let alone washing, rinsing and ringing out. I dont work out on laundry days. haha But anyway we are getting things on the right path. I am doing a training in our Zone DDM this week. We are gonna make Eldoret the talk of the mission. Matts of love really is the key. You cant change anyones attitude unless they are killed with kindness. Thats our motto this transfer!
We got some good news and some more good news and some bad news. Well so last week Brother Muthoka was confirmed. So this sunday he received the aaronic priesthood. It was a great thing only that after we found out the Branch pres never even interviewed him. haha kenya makes me laugh. we are working on them. Oh so Sister Miriam moved out of her boyfriends house. We read a chapter with them that really just slapped them in the face. 1 Corinthians 7. They are called to repentance and she will be ready for baptism this sunday! Also, We met a guy named David. He was taught everything along time ago and just moved to our area from the bush. He knows EVERYTHING! He also is getting baptized on sunday also. He just glows when he enters the church. Man what a cool guy and really is a tender mercy of the Lord. So now for the bad news, That other couple that the husband is a member but the wife(not really wife) both disappeared after our talk. We have been to their house so many times but of course they dont tell anyone and just go and of course they dont have a phone. Yeah communication is hard for some. So we are praying for them and hope they come back soon. But other than that things couldnt be better. The branch is improving and we have high hopes.
So today we played basketball as usual(watch out Matt) and then went to "the market." Its a giant place where hundreds of people are selling fruits and veggies. Man we are healthy cats this side. The saying an apple a day keeps the doc away has been changed to mango. I think Peaches best up their game upon my return or mango has seized the sought after position of "most desirable fruit." Anyway thats about all i have to report this week. I hope you guys are doing good! Did Tish have the child yet? How is Nicoles? By the way can you email me Nicole max and marias email? I love you guys so much and thanks for all the support. I wouldnt be able to do it with out you!
Elder Haynes
Ps So someone still lives in our house there in mount vernon?
Meree I love you so much! You are such a great example and such a great strength to me. I have learned so much here and i know we will see little peanut before you know it! You know i am thoroughly convinced that God is building the Haynes family for reasons unknown to us at this point in time but down the road all of what we have been through as hard as its been i know its for a reason. Any intelligence we gain in this life will rise with us in the resurrection. I realize that our life has helped me out here. I still have much to learn but i know if i hadnt been though that, things would be very different. One elder i actually couldnt stand at the time but grew to love(lesson learned i know) said something that really made me think. He said You dont have control over others actions, but how you react is entirely within your control. That has made me think allot and couldnt be more true. But i will say i have never met people who have been through the ringer like us but i am sure grateful. Look how out of control other people are! haha We are pretty dang awesome. Jesus shapes us into usful tools with life experiences. Just like Zions camp in church history, It prove pointless to some but out of it the Lord sifted the wheat from the tares and called his 12 apostles from those faithful men. Its just like Abraham being called to sacrifice Issac! If that isnt faith i dont know what is! I Now see each obstacles or trials in our life is the refiners fire. He wont give us more than we can handle and he only give us to make us better. There was a saying coach Ward used to say, Pain is weakness leaving the body! and What doesnt kill you makes you stronger. I see that with my hard companions. During those obstacles I really see who and what i am. I have learned so much from each one and wouldnt have it any other way! Good old Jeff Holland said The thing the Lord enjoys most is being merciful! Sometimes that is hard to see when trials come. But what most fail to realize is his mercy might come in the form of hardship that is a key to unlock the next door. Meree I love you Big Sis, I know that if anyway can handle this it is you! I pray for the family each day but specifically for you! When it gets the hardest i know who is there to lift the load that is just to heavy to bear. Gosh, Our family is so cool!
So it has been a pretty so so week. We sent missionaries off and received the next day. We have a solid zone right now! We are working on getting all the flats upgraded. Lots of guys are getting sick in the mission. Haha Sister B is so great. She reminds me of Mark Hadley and that the truth will be told despite your feelings. Haha its just a good way to live. She yells at lazy elders. Most are sick cause they wash their bedding like every few months and never wash their towels. Here you gotta do that every week. But man washing bedding and towels by hand is no easy task. My forearms just might win over my future wife. I mean moving a wet towel from the washer to the dryer is strenuous let alone washing, rinsing and ringing out. I dont work out on laundry days. haha But anyway we are getting things on the right path. I am doing a training in our Zone DDM this week. We are gonna make Eldoret the talk of the mission. Matts of love really is the key. You cant change anyones attitude unless they are killed with kindness. Thats our motto this transfer!
We got some good news and some more good news and some bad news. Well so last week Brother Muthoka was confirmed. So this sunday he received the aaronic priesthood. It was a great thing only that after we found out the Branch pres never even interviewed him. haha kenya makes me laugh. we are working on them. Oh so Sister Miriam moved out of her boyfriends house. We read a chapter with them that really just slapped them in the face. 1 Corinthians 7. They are called to repentance and she will be ready for baptism this sunday! Also, We met a guy named David. He was taught everything along time ago and just moved to our area from the bush. He knows EVERYTHING! He also is getting baptized on sunday also. He just glows when he enters the church. Man what a cool guy and really is a tender mercy of the Lord. So now for the bad news, That other couple that the husband is a member but the wife(not really wife) both disappeared after our talk. We have been to their house so many times but of course they dont tell anyone and just go and of course they dont have a phone. Yeah communication is hard for some. So we are praying for them and hope they come back soon. But other than that things couldnt be better. The branch is improving and we have high hopes.
So today we played basketball as usual(watch out Matt) and then went to "the market." Its a giant place where hundreds of people are selling fruits and veggies. Man we are healthy cats this side. The saying an apple a day keeps the doc away has been changed to mango. I think Peaches best up their game upon my return or mango has seized the sought after position of "most desirable fruit." Anyway thats about all i have to report this week. I hope you guys are doing good! Did Tish have the child yet? How is Nicoles? By the way can you email me Nicole max and marias email? I love you guys so much and thanks for all the support. I wouldnt be able to do it with out you!
Elder Haynes
Ps So someone still lives in our house there in mount vernon?
Working Hard
Another Transfer!!!
First off Happy Fathers Day Yesterday! So as another transfer goes and its obvious why president put me here. I am ZL again. There has been allot of changes in the zone but its a good thing. Change motivates. Luckily i am staying with a good companion!!! We are still together for another transfer. He is such a good kid. We are still working on his english but he is good! We had some cool experiences this week. One, Her name is Miriam, She is engaged to our BML. She is progressing so well and really has a firm testimony. I love teaching her cause she is very intelligent and asks a million questions. It makes me grow so much to study to find those answers i dont know and when i find them in the scriptures it is amazing. She asked us the other day why we say jesus created the earth. Man finding scriptures for that through the bible was fun! She said it only says god in Genesis. Of course we know differently because the Pearl of great price but it was cool to prove it through the bible. I have one question that i need everyones help on. How do we know Adam was a prophet. Most people here dont believe that. I mean of course the pearl of great price says it clearly but in genesis the scriptures i use dont satisfy. We have tried every angle but it doesnt seem to please. Maybe they are just stubborn and dont want to see but i feel like i can get more out of it i just need a little assistance.
So on Wednesday we had a awesome experience. We went deep into the bush and did some service at a school there. When i say bush i mean it. So The senior couple said there is a awesome place near three big water falls that we could do ddm. So it was a pretty cool experience. We got to see some amazing waterfalls and got to have ddm right there. It was pretty cool, It was almost like that seen in the testiments. I felt it was a sermon on the mount type deal. Dont worry i got some awesome pictures you just wont be able to see them for a while. Selfishly i want to keep all my pictures so i can go through them all with you and explain them cause you might see some and wonder what the heck. Anyway, we got to teach these students who have never been more than 5 km from their home since they were born. Some are seniors in high school. Crazy! Its so different for them. Life is just what it is. Mud hut, you only eat what you grow, you walk two hours to and from school. Its just like camp 24/7. I think i would be just fine with that. haha as long as i had a gun in my hand. I have a little inner desire to be Jeremiah Johnson just for a time. Except having a kid who doesnt talk and a indian woman wife who makes nasty food. I'll pass. So we taught the children about our home countries. Kinda what we produce what we eat what we use for transport etc. When i talked about snow they were so confused! Man that was hard to explain. It made me mad though cause they kept talking about Obama! He is such a hero here and it makes me so mad. Everyone here says they know his dad and he wasnt born far from eldoret. Yeah he was born here. Hmmmmmm..... interesting! Elders in kisumu actually met his grandma and gave her a Book of Mormon so Obama might return to testimonies of joseph smith but i doubt it. Otherwise things are Kama Kawaida! (like usual) So my swahili is nice here. People are so happy that a white guy knows how to speak. I mean it is minimal but it makes me feel cool. haha
So thats whats up. Lots of good. On sunday we started sacrament meeting with more investigators than members. So either we are the greatest missionaries on planet earth or the branch in which we serve is completely bogus! All in favor of the second on manifest it!!!! Man we have had some hard missionaries here. The last missionaries here baptized like 6 people which is awesome but are completely inactive. We have tried and still trying to contact them to get them to church but some found out the church is more than a welfare program and left all together. This is really sad but is the main problelm here. We are trying to help but its a uphill battle. I like when a member has been a member for years and is just hearing there is such a thing as a welfare program. We met a white guy from St. Louis in town the other day who moved here to start a church. He decided none of the churches were right so he just decided to start another. Now that puts the total at 2,342 churches in eldoret. haha At his church its just a business and they pay out every week and the have more people attend on sunday. Man satan is good..... REALLY GOOD! It makes me sad but the scriptures say "Many will hear but few will accept"
Anyway life is good. I am healthy and eating well. I am taking care of my feet, dont worry meree! I will keep meree in ma prayers. I hope she is doing better. I miss you guys and its good to hear the ball game traditions are still in full force with no signs of stopping in the near future. Well i love you guys and hope you are continuing on well. Vumilia paka mwisho! endure to the end!
-Elder Haynes
10 Months! Already?
Hey Family,
So man you guys are staying busy! It was cool to hear about your lesson in Elders quorum. Man we are working so hard out here to have people get that witness of the Book of Mormon but i always have to remember one of gods greatest gifts AGENCY. Its the best worst thing in this world. I have learned so much from that principal these last 10 months. Anyway thank for sharing what you guys are learning spiritually. It really makes me happy to know you all are growing. Matt you sound so busy! I love wearing my provident building shirt. Everytime i put that baby on i wear it with pride! Its cool you will be getting some time to spend with ryan this summer. And golfing sounds so much fun. Speaking of golfing, Yeah i went today! Yeah i know right who knew. We found this AMAZING course and it was so much fun. It was pretty expensive but so worth it! Man this place is so beautiful. I actually played so terrible which is no surprise. Golf is frustrating man. I am used to picking up on things so quickly and that one will take some serious time. This is one of the christlike attributes god is teaching me on mission. Teaching is an understatement he is beating humility into me. haha but man we had a blast. Meree do you think it is just by coincidence you keep getting called to girls camp planner or what ever its called. I am sure god has a reason your there. I hope you can convince those classy ladies to relax and have a good time. I know your cheesy sense of humor will penetrate their hearts soon enough. I know when i first moved in i thought you were a kook, but it grew on me in a hurry! :) Bronzen its good to hear your doing good! I miss you my not so little brother! Are you lifting everyday? Cause you should be! Man i am so excited to wrestle you when i get home and still kick your prideful butt. I think you will give me a run for my money! I am so glad you are working hard with matt. That is a great way to spend a summer but dont get to caught up in making money and forget to have fun. I still have some regrets from working to much and not having enough fun before i came out here. HAVE FUN. I think baseball will help with that. I should have continued to play school sports and stay involved. It was kinda a different situation for me though so just work hard and be smart.
So i have a crazy story to tell you! So you know how i get when i stuff just shouldnt happen. You know like coincidence or small world stuff, I had a massive one of those this week. So i told you about that guy that stays very far from us in that super beautiful place. He called salt lake from the number he saw on the old gospel principals book. He called for 4 years before someone could help him. So the person he got in contact with was a kenyan serving in salt lake. So you remember at our family reunion last year when we met that sister missionary at the salt lake temple, sister Amuli was her name, yeah just so happens it was the same girl and i talked to her this week. She has finished her mission and is back in Nairobi. Can you say small world? No no really its okay i want you to say this out loud ready 1 2 3 SMALL WORLD! Right! I am still a little weirded out by it and still feel like throwing up every time the thought gallops across my thoughts. Any cool stuff. So We had a baptism yesterday. Brother Muthoka. Such a good guy! I was so humbled, he asked me to baptize him. Man this guys bore such a powerful testimony. He said "I have been investigating churches for a long time and this is the only one who could tell me who restored the authority." He is so humble. He doesnt have much more than his mud hut and a few pots and pans but he has everything now. I love this church. But man going from the 2 hottest places in the mission to the coldest that water in the font was sooooo cold. I was struggling. Burrrrrr! I felt like Kramer when he joined the "Polar bear club."
So we have some problems with a few of our investigators but they dont comprehend it as africans. So Sister dorine is a recent converts wife, but they arent married we found out. Here in africa there is something called tribal marriage that is acceptable by the church, but he is neither legally or tribally married. He just decided that she would be his wife and thats it. So he doesnt see that she cant be baptized if she is living with a man and not married, and he is not worthy living with someone. So we have really got our work cut out for us because its not wrong to him. Also the other sister Miriam is also staying with her future husband at the moment and is not married and he is also a member. So maybe just keep this situation in your prayers. Well thats whats going on right now. I love you guys and i miss you allot. I miss inside jokes! Time is flying though. 10 months!!!
-Elder Haynes
So man you guys are staying busy! It was cool to hear about your lesson in Elders quorum. Man we are working so hard out here to have people get that witness of the Book of Mormon but i always have to remember one of gods greatest gifts AGENCY. Its the best worst thing in this world. I have learned so much from that principal these last 10 months. Anyway thank for sharing what you guys are learning spiritually. It really makes me happy to know you all are growing. Matt you sound so busy! I love wearing my provident building shirt. Everytime i put that baby on i wear it with pride! Its cool you will be getting some time to spend with ryan this summer. And golfing sounds so much fun. Speaking of golfing, Yeah i went today! Yeah i know right who knew. We found this AMAZING course and it was so much fun. It was pretty expensive but so worth it! Man this place is so beautiful. I actually played so terrible which is no surprise. Golf is frustrating man. I am used to picking up on things so quickly and that one will take some serious time. This is one of the christlike attributes god is teaching me on mission. Teaching is an understatement he is beating humility into me. haha but man we had a blast. Meree do you think it is just by coincidence you keep getting called to girls camp planner or what ever its called. I am sure god has a reason your there. I hope you can convince those classy ladies to relax and have a good time. I know your cheesy sense of humor will penetrate their hearts soon enough. I know when i first moved in i thought you were a kook, but it grew on me in a hurry! :) Bronzen its good to hear your doing good! I miss you my not so little brother! Are you lifting everyday? Cause you should be! Man i am so excited to wrestle you when i get home and still kick your prideful butt. I think you will give me a run for my money! I am so glad you are working hard with matt. That is a great way to spend a summer but dont get to caught up in making money and forget to have fun. I still have some regrets from working to much and not having enough fun before i came out here. HAVE FUN. I think baseball will help with that. I should have continued to play school sports and stay involved. It was kinda a different situation for me though so just work hard and be smart.
So i have a crazy story to tell you! So you know how i get when i stuff just shouldnt happen. You know like coincidence or small world stuff, I had a massive one of those this week. So i told you about that guy that stays very far from us in that super beautiful place. He called salt lake from the number he saw on the old gospel principals book. He called for 4 years before someone could help him. So the person he got in contact with was a kenyan serving in salt lake. So you remember at our family reunion last year when we met that sister missionary at the salt lake temple, sister Amuli was her name, yeah just so happens it was the same girl and i talked to her this week. She has finished her mission and is back in Nairobi. Can you say small world? No no really its okay i want you to say this out loud ready 1 2 3 SMALL WORLD! Right! I am still a little weirded out by it and still feel like throwing up every time the thought gallops across my thoughts. Any cool stuff. So We had a baptism yesterday. Brother Muthoka. Such a good guy! I was so humbled, he asked me to baptize him. Man this guys bore such a powerful testimony. He said "I have been investigating churches for a long time and this is the only one who could tell me who restored the authority." He is so humble. He doesnt have much more than his mud hut and a few pots and pans but he has everything now. I love this church. But man going from the 2 hottest places in the mission to the coldest that water in the font was sooooo cold. I was struggling. Burrrrrr! I felt like Kramer when he joined the "Polar bear club."
So we have some problems with a few of our investigators but they dont comprehend it as africans. So Sister dorine is a recent converts wife, but they arent married we found out. Here in africa there is something called tribal marriage that is acceptable by the church, but he is neither legally or tribally married. He just decided that she would be his wife and thats it. So he doesnt see that she cant be baptized if she is living with a man and not married, and he is not worthy living with someone. So we have really got our work cut out for us because its not wrong to him. Also the other sister Miriam is also staying with her future husband at the moment and is not married and he is also a member. So maybe just keep this situation in your prayers. Well thats whats going on right now. I love you guys and i miss you allot. I miss inside jokes! Time is flying though. 10 months!!!
-Elder Haynes
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Another Great Week!
Dear Matt Meree Bronzen Porter Hobbs and Jason(peanut),
So i like Jason, thats my vote! You know like Jason Werth! Anyway i cant believe Megan Metcalf got married. You know i went to high school with Taylor and we were in the same college ward. He was my Elders quorum President after i got released from 2nd counselor. He served his mission in Brazil like everyone and their dog these days. I am glad to hear it went well. I still like Kyle XY though!!! haha Its kinda weird but we are so close with the metcalf family its like now we are in laws. Well I am glad to hear things are going okay with the baby i hope HE is getting big and strong!
So we had another great week. I have been playing allot of Bball. The zone here is pretty cool! Easily the best zone i have been in. We are really enjoy doing fun wholesome recreational activities. hahaha and the sisters here are pretty cool. We are really united and are really doing work. The only thing thats kinda crummy is we stay in the land of Canaan and coming into town is Egypt! Yeah i am reading the old testament, its no big deal! We are in the bush which is good but we are just so far from everyone. Like the rest of the Elders stay all in town so we just kinda feel left out. Its good though that Elder Rakotomalala is so cool or it would be hard. Today we went to a zoo/cultural center. It was way fun i got some great pictures. It was really cool cause they built ever kind of tribes houses. They had monkeys, snakes(big enough to swallow a rabbit), Lions, cheetahs, Cranes, Tortoise, and Ostrich. The ostrich bit my hand. haha its kinda cool cause they dont have teeth so its like a book is closing on your hand. It only hurts a little. But yeah it was great. Oh the really cool part is there is a brand new sister just from the mtc in our zone. She is so humble and quiet. I noticed ever time everyone was taking pictures she was feeling bad cause she doesnt have a camera. So i got the whole zone to each pitch in like ten bucks and we got her a really nice camera. We had an elder take pictures of her the whole time with it at the zoo then after we surprised her with it. She teared up pretty good. She is a really cool girl. I just like her cause i think she has only said 3 words each time we see each other. Humility is the key to inspiration! haha
So about my shamba(garden) its going good. Everything was growing good till the neighbor kids decided to hold a dance recital and tap dance it to death. Like honestly parents control your kids! I am quite perturbed! I think i still have a few corn plants and 2 squash so i think i am gonna booby-trap them some how.(thats what i said i said booty-trap)-Goonies Other than that we are doing great. Staying obedient. Its so true that obedience brings blessings, but exact obedience brings miracles. Man it could not be more true. I love everyday here. My study has been so good lately and i am really loving that precious time. Oh so did i tell you that i found a ping pong net and paddles on the street so we set it up on a table at our house. Its so much fun! Between that and my comp getting a guitar its heaven when we get home. You can name any song and he can play it. I dont think you can fit anymore talent in such a little body. Good guy.
So we have a baptism next sunday! His name is muthoka. He is a stud! He is a great investigator. I dont know why i havent written you about yet. I love Huruma. The branch has some outrageous problems but the solid people who pay tithing are so strong. You can go to church and easily pick out those with a solid testimony. If the branch pres doesnt give some people welfare they turn in all their church material and leave. Then when a new branch is called they come back and do the same. Pretty bogus. But the solid ones are solid. We are really close with our branch pres! I have really learned to brown nose to get some brownie points. He is big people(rich) and wants us for dinner all the time. He works right on lake Victoria so he is bringing some nice fish back and inviting us for a feast. Being a missionary has its perks.
Well We are doing so great. The work is really moving. The numbers we are getting put dar to shame. Man I dont miss it. Thanks for emailing me family! Do you have any trips planned for the summer? Baseball, flea market, Beach? I hope so! Man i miss those trips and riding rollercoasters and losing $254.50. Yeah i still remember. Anyway i hope so much you guys are continuing on. Oh oh oh I got such a great surprise. I got a package from Adams and the Maxfields and johnsons. Man they are so awesome! I am going to writ them this week. But of course it will take a few months to get there. I love you guys so much!
-Elder haynes
Ps Future package ideas,
Fajita taco gravy sloppy joe guacamole packets and any other seasoning that is good. Anything mexican. I need spice.
Kool aid Pakets! (dont be stingy, Bring em, sugar is cheap)
Instant refried beans, potatoes, Stove top stuffing and anything else Instantly delicious.
Anything eatable really. I miss food!
Dont worry i am not fat!
Thanks I love you guys.
So i like Jason, thats my vote! You know like Jason Werth! Anyway i cant believe Megan Metcalf got married. You know i went to high school with Taylor and we were in the same college ward. He was my Elders quorum President after i got released from 2nd counselor. He served his mission in Brazil like everyone and their dog these days. I am glad to hear it went well. I still like Kyle XY though!!! haha Its kinda weird but we are so close with the metcalf family its like now we are in laws. Well I am glad to hear things are going okay with the baby i hope HE is getting big and strong!
So we had another great week. I have been playing allot of Bball. The zone here is pretty cool! Easily the best zone i have been in. We are really enjoy doing fun wholesome recreational activities. hahaha and the sisters here are pretty cool. We are really united and are really doing work. The only thing thats kinda crummy is we stay in the land of Canaan and coming into town is Egypt! Yeah i am reading the old testament, its no big deal! We are in the bush which is good but we are just so far from everyone. Like the rest of the Elders stay all in town so we just kinda feel left out. Its good though that Elder Rakotomalala is so cool or it would be hard. Today we went to a zoo/cultural center. It was way fun i got some great pictures. It was really cool cause they built ever kind of tribes houses. They had monkeys, snakes(big enough to swallow a rabbit), Lions, cheetahs, Cranes, Tortoise, and Ostrich. The ostrich bit my hand. haha its kinda cool cause they dont have teeth so its like a book is closing on your hand. It only hurts a little. But yeah it was great. Oh the really cool part is there is a brand new sister just from the mtc in our zone. She is so humble and quiet. I noticed ever time everyone was taking pictures she was feeling bad cause she doesnt have a camera. So i got the whole zone to each pitch in like ten bucks and we got her a really nice camera. We had an elder take pictures of her the whole time with it at the zoo then after we surprised her with it. She teared up pretty good. She is a really cool girl. I just like her cause i think she has only said 3 words each time we see each other. Humility is the key to inspiration! haha
So about my shamba(garden) its going good. Everything was growing good till the neighbor kids decided to hold a dance recital and tap dance it to death. Like honestly parents control your kids! I am quite perturbed! I think i still have a few corn plants and 2 squash so i think i am gonna booby-trap them some how.(thats what i said i said booty-trap)-Goonies Other than that we are doing great. Staying obedient. Its so true that obedience brings blessings, but exact obedience brings miracles. Man it could not be more true. I love everyday here. My study has been so good lately and i am really loving that precious time. Oh so did i tell you that i found a ping pong net and paddles on the street so we set it up on a table at our house. Its so much fun! Between that and my comp getting a guitar its heaven when we get home. You can name any song and he can play it. I dont think you can fit anymore talent in such a little body. Good guy.
So we have a baptism next sunday! His name is muthoka. He is a stud! He is a great investigator. I dont know why i havent written you about yet. I love Huruma. The branch has some outrageous problems but the solid people who pay tithing are so strong. You can go to church and easily pick out those with a solid testimony. If the branch pres doesnt give some people welfare they turn in all their church material and leave. Then when a new branch is called they come back and do the same. Pretty bogus. But the solid ones are solid. We are really close with our branch pres! I have really learned to brown nose to get some brownie points. He is big people(rich) and wants us for dinner all the time. He works right on lake Victoria so he is bringing some nice fish back and inviting us for a feast. Being a missionary has its perks.
Well We are doing so great. The work is really moving. The numbers we are getting put dar to shame. Man I dont miss it. Thanks for emailing me family! Do you have any trips planned for the summer? Baseball, flea market, Beach? I hope so! Man i miss those trips and riding rollercoasters and losing $254.50. Yeah i still remember. Anyway i hope so much you guys are continuing on. Oh oh oh I got such a great surprise. I got a package from Adams and the Maxfields and johnsons. Man they are so awesome! I am going to writ them this week. But of course it will take a few months to get there. I love you guys so much!
-Elder haynes
Ps Future package ideas,
Fajita taco gravy sloppy joe guacamole packets and any other seasoning that is good. Anything mexican. I need spice.
Kool aid Pakets! (dont be stingy, Bring em, sugar is cheap)
Instant refried beans, potatoes, Stove top stuffing and anything else Instantly delicious.
Anything eatable really. I miss food!
Dont worry i am not fat!
Thanks I love you guys.
Things are Rolling
Hello Hadleys!
How are all of you doing? It has been kinda a crazy week. Sorry i didnt email you guys on monday. It was a crazy busy day and we didnt get the chance. So today i got sometime and permission from the APs. My heart stopped when you told me about the plane crash. Two of the peoples names are guys i went to high school with.I am so glad it was not the same guys. Man death is such crzy thing. All those guys future is gone. Please keep me updated on things. I would really like to know if they determine the cause.
Man i just have a really crazy feeling right now. Okay so my week was good. It was a little hard but good. We got bounced all week long. We set up so man appointments and people just were not showing up. I guess this makes you appreciate the good weeks though. So although it was a rough week it seems the branch is doing a bit better and we received two golden referrals from members. One was from our newly called Branch mission leader(the branch hasnt had one since last AUG) He has just gotten engaged to a nice young lady who really likes to learn and has a list of inspired questions. She is solid and he said he wont marry her until she gets dunked so we are doing our best with her. Another is from a recent convert who just moved into the branch last week and his wife is not a member. They have only been married 3 months and she loves church. She struggles to speak english so thanks the good lord i know a enough swahili to teach her mixing english and swahili.
So Matt you better watch yourself! I have been playing ball everyweek since i have been here and i aint gonna lie my skills are being honed as we converse. Haha my companion surprised me so much. He is a little baller. Probably the only African who knows how to play. And he is legit! Haha i have been calling him Rakoto da baller lately. He likes it. Man i have never gotten along with someone so well. I LOVE my companion. He is so great. I never knew what i was missing out on on my mission till now. This is what companionship unity really is! President B just called me out of the blue this week just to talk. He said i just wanted to let you know how much you are loved and appreciated here. It mad me feel really good. My companions wonder sometimes why he calls to just talk but he never calls anyone else. haha So the APs are here for a leadership training and they are staying with us. The current APs are so amazing! Easily the best ones we have had. Elder Raymond trained my companion and my trainer trained raymond so we are all one big happy family. Elder Pocock like my best friend is also the AP. We have so much fun and its so great to be around guys that can laugh and have a good time. Dar was dryer that a popcorn fart! haha Well i gott cut things short this week. Please tell bronzen to write me. Be patient with him. Some thing i read recently said "true doctrine understood changes behavior much faster than the study of behavior changes behavior" They were talking about getting people to do their home teaching but i think applies here to. I just really want to talk to him like i used to. This is just such a crucial time of his life right now. I will pray and study for him. Please keep up and thanks for writing me it really means so much to see your name in the inbox each pday.
-Elder Haynes
How are all of you doing? It has been kinda a crazy week. Sorry i didnt email you guys on monday. It was a crazy busy day and we didnt get the chance. So today i got sometime and permission from the APs. My heart stopped when you told me about the plane crash. Two of the peoples names are guys i went to high school with.I am so glad it was not the same guys. Man death is such crzy thing. All those guys future is gone. Please keep me updated on things. I would really like to know if they determine the cause.
Man i just have a really crazy feeling right now. Okay so my week was good. It was a little hard but good. We got bounced all week long. We set up so man appointments and people just were not showing up. I guess this makes you appreciate the good weeks though. So although it was a rough week it seems the branch is doing a bit better and we received two golden referrals from members. One was from our newly called Branch mission leader(the branch hasnt had one since last AUG) He has just gotten engaged to a nice young lady who really likes to learn and has a list of inspired questions. She is solid and he said he wont marry her until she gets dunked so we are doing our best with her. Another is from a recent convert who just moved into the branch last week and his wife is not a member. They have only been married 3 months and she loves church. She struggles to speak english so thanks the good lord i know a enough swahili to teach her mixing english and swahili.
So Matt you better watch yourself! I have been playing ball everyweek since i have been here and i aint gonna lie my skills are being honed as we converse. Haha my companion surprised me so much. He is a little baller. Probably the only African who knows how to play. And he is legit! Haha i have been calling him Rakoto da baller lately. He likes it. Man i have never gotten along with someone so well. I LOVE my companion. He is so great. I never knew what i was missing out on on my mission till now. This is what companionship unity really is! President B just called me out of the blue this week just to talk. He said i just wanted to let you know how much you are loved and appreciated here. It mad me feel really good. My companions wonder sometimes why he calls to just talk but he never calls anyone else. haha So the APs are here for a leadership training and they are staying with us. The current APs are so amazing! Easily the best ones we have had. Elder Raymond trained my companion and my trainer trained raymond so we are all one big happy family. Elder Pocock like my best friend is also the AP. We have so much fun and its so great to be around guys that can laugh and have a good time. Dar was dryer that a popcorn fart! haha Well i gott cut things short this week. Please tell bronzen to write me. Be patient with him. Some thing i read recently said "true doctrine understood changes behavior much faster than the study of behavior changes behavior" They were talking about getting people to do their home teaching but i think applies here to. I just really want to talk to him like i used to. This is just such a crucial time of his life right now. I will pray and study for him. Please keep up and thanks for writing me it really means so much to see your name in the inbox each pday.
-Elder Haynes
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